I think the reason Other M was so disliked by the Metroid Community (and I say "Metroid community deliberatly) is because it took the otherwise, avatar-character of Samus, to that point largely taken as a free-willed, heroic bounty hunter, and turned her into a scared little girl with all the cliche melodrama of a standard anime cheese.
Which I agree with. I thought the story was very badly written and the dialogue especially something way left to be desired. Samus's characterization is just awful in my eyes.
I always saw her as an Ellen Ripley/ Sarah Connor in her tough, dignified warrior capacity. But Other M really just turns it on its head. I knew things were going down that route when Sakamoto stuck her in that awful Zero suit...>_>
That said, this is my personal opinion, and only because I adore Samus and the Metroid Franchise. That said, there's no detracting from the fact that most non-metroid fans or those familiar with it, hugely loved it. So good for them.
And of course, no offense at all to anyone who liked the game, ^_^;;
Also, Majora's Mask is just absolutely incredible a game. It's my favourite. It's not about "LOL SAVE TEH PRINCESS" it's "everyone you see and know will die and there's nothing you can do - so make the best of it."
It's so dark and depressing a premise. It's delicious! Sadly, Nintendo haven't done anything as vibrantly fresh or original with the series since MM. They're largely been rehashes form OOT. Which itself was a rehash (albeit a superb and magnificent on) of ALttP. Love Zelda nonetheless, but MMis the most exceptional and excellent entry in the series!

Okay, that was hugely offtopic, sorry -
One thing I loved about the 3D version is, especially when looking at Marion head-on - how innocent and child-like she is.
You clearly see how much detail and intricacy has been put into her, down to the strands of her hair and the flourishes in the patterning on her dress.
But I think in my opinion the 2D version is untouchable in the charm, warmth and practically tangible its style has. Every environment is embellished in such beautiful, ornate and fantastic design, and in the 3D ones, the textures can look (bearing in mind all Ive seen were the WIP screenshots) rather cool and clinical, and not as warm or as alive as the 2D versions seem. That's not to the detriment of the version, not at all, but the 2D has such a vibrancy to it. It's just incredible!!