Hello Aquaria Fanbase! After years of loving Aquaria quietly to myself I have decided to give back to the community! As much as I love Aquaria, one problem I had was that you spend such a small amount of time using the best looking Naija. Obviously they are all really well designed and look cool, but none of them are quite as attractive as Naija. That's why I created this reskin.
Basically what it does is takes the armor/clothing aspects of each form change and applies it to good old normal Naija. For an example, check out my avatar on the Super Meat Boy forums (it wouldn't upload here for whatever reason)
hereI also took the liberty of removing all helmets from the costumes and replacing them, either with or without tiara depending on what I thought looked better.
I would also like to send a big fat thank you in the direction of Alphasoldier.Not only did he give me permission to use his Zero Suit Naija (Duel Form Li), but he also helped me figure out how to upload and share. Also his nude mods were a big help with getting the armor on to regular Naija so lots of thanks for that too.
Anyways, that's enough talking, here's the download link!
http://db.tt/BgReQX2Feedback is always appreciated

Original message:
Hey, I created a pretty simple Naija texture theme where she basically stays as regular Naija throughout the entire game and only changes the clothes she wears when switching forms. I'm not a pixel artist, so its nothing fancy, but I'd like to share it with the world and whatnot, but I've never really done anything like it before. Any recommendations for a good file hosting site? t affects all the form changes except for Duel Form Li (Since I used a slightly modified Zero Suit Naija texture without permission and won't be uploading it with the rest). It also removes any helmet aspect from the costumes. The only costume this does not alter is the dark Naija costume since it would also make all the enemies look like regular Naija (its actually pretty funny but doesn't really have a place in my hack.)
Once I get help uploading I'll provide the link in this topic.