Just finished checking on the Magic of Aquaria stuff on photobucket. The flying seems like a really interesting idea, kind of like the game Cloud, but I wonder how space would work. Naija...in the future! Also, the boss teaser makes me impatient for a release of even half the game.
YOGODA! We miss you! In all seriousness though, I do write for a small online magazine. If you think it might help getting the word out, I could try and do an article on the modding community here. There's plenty do discuss with Beauty, Sacrifice, Angry Li, and of course, Magic, but there's no telling whether or not it would get blocked by the editors(they're an odd lot.) Still, if I could use some of the screen shots, maybe people would get excited by the art and check out the main game too.
If more people play Aquaria, the chance of a possible sequel, fame, fortune, and all that, does increase, albeit little by little.