And what might that be RvLeshrac? ^^
I guess I need to try out nature form somewhere tame, like in Home Waters or something, to get used to it.
Karn, I'd love some help.
The thing is I just keep dying, often when I try to get close while it's drawing in and I miss it and get stuck somewhat behind it, reducing my health. I do need to stock up on healing objects, that's probably the key- because I've gotten up to feeding him three poisoned frogmen before he goes ballistic and shoots the stream of energy balls. What should I do when it does that?
I should do better next time I face him, I have more health now than I had before due to a powerup in the kelp forest, but it still is a bit aggravating. Is there any pointers to switch between regular with shield form to reflect his blasts and then energy form to him in the back . What about places to hide without getting scooped up?