The ending was pretty damn awesome, I went back and beat it again yesterday just so I could see it again. I felt so bad for that kid... loneliness and loss are big themes throughout the game; that really gets me. Losing everyone I love is pretty much my number one fear, so that hit home. Poor kid

That first whispered "On that day..." always makes me shed a tear. "I could never remember the chorus, only the
verse" and how it found its way into everything he made was a clever touch.
I wonder how he became so twisted like that... The Body is certainly not a welcoming place...
I'm dying to find out what happens next, what with the highly interesting endgame events... but of course the next one (are there definite plans for it?) hasn't even been started yet. I would
looooove to know anything Alec or Derek could tell us about that... if anything...
Absolutely beautiful game in every way, the voicework is perfect, wonderful music... anxiously awaiting the release of the soundtrack, I really wanna listen to the Kelp Forest music... Lots of Ecco nostalgia too...
How in hell was this made by just two guys?! In just two years?! You guys have superpowers or something. It's kinda my dream to make an adventure indie game like this myself, but I have absolutely zero programming or music skills... I'm really jealous.

Oh well, we'll see what the future holds...
How much are you guys making off this? You really deserve it... usually it would take an entire studio to make a game of this quality, and for just two guys to do it... crazy awesome.

Definitely see if you can have this put on the Wii as WiiWare or something. That would be excellent, and I bet the wiimote would fit itself very well to the controls. More people need to play this game.