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Author Topic: Numberpad / Keypad can be used, but with problems. Please fix.  (Read 8001 times)

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Offline Uriel-238

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Numberpad / Keypad can be used, but with problems. Please fix.
« on: December 29, 2010, 04:13:53 am »
I'm bringing up an old topic from here that was never addressed.

I like Aquaria very much, yet as one who is left-handed, would much prefer to play it the way I've become accustomed to playing games, that is, controlling the mouse with my left hand, and all my key-actions with my right-hand, using the number pad.

Support for the number pad in Aquaria seems limited, or at least buggy on my system. When, in Aquaria, I remap a function to a number pad key, it appears blank on the mapping screen, yet works normally in play.

Number keys are not recognized when the Numlock key is down.

My keyboard profile is corrupted when next I launch Aquaria, hence I have to reconfigure my keys every time I play.

To Bit-Blot support: Please fix things so that I can see which number-pad key I'm assigning to what on the keybindings layout page, and please fix it so that my keyboard profile is not corrupted between play sessions.

Thank you.


PS: Awesome game, otherwise.

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Numberpad / Keypad can be used, but with problems. Please fix.
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2010, 01:13:35 pm »
I tried doing this in many ways myself, by manually changing the usersettings.xml file and by doing it ingame, but I couldn't get it to work, it seems that numpad isn't supported for some awkward reason.
However, even though you're accustomed to numpad control, I don't see how you can't simply use the arrow keys, or WASD in that case. I'm left myself as well, and I still use WASD.

Second to that, if your keyboard config is corrupted I'd suggest deleting the old usersettings.xml so it recovers from default (which could be faulty as well) or you can take this one.
Perhaps it's also an idea to send your (corrupted) usersettings.xml here, or just copy paste it. Be sure to use the code tags.
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Offline Uriel-238

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Re: Numberpad / Keypad can be used, but with problems. Please fix.
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2010, 08:59:42 am »
Your response is somewhat confusing. Is the bug-list for Aquaria closed, so that no further fixes will be made? Or is it possible that the developers will address what is clearly a bug (as opposed to an omitted feature)?

I may be able to create an Autohotkey profile to reinterpret the number pad if that is what is necessary. I already made one tooling keys to activate the mouse buttons on certain keys since the keyboard equivalents don't work as promised (the designated swim key will cease to function once directional swim keys are used, but only until mouse one, rather the mouse swim key is pressed). But the more I rely on an Autohotkey profile, the more likely I will lose commands mid-play, hence I prefer to profile to the game all the control changes than I can, and leave only special changes (e.g. locking the Numlock state and turning the Numlock key into a usable control) to a Autohotkey profile.

I should clarify that by saying my keyboard profile was corrupt I meant that it had changed, but not back to defaults, but instead joystick buttons. It leaves me to wonder what key assignments would be saved permanently.

As to whether I should, as a left-hander be able to conform to a given structure of a game, I could argue that the need to conform to a specific game's control scheme slows the rate at which a given player is immersed in the play. I could also note that no control scheme is suitable for everyone, and the more flexible a system is to conform to the needs / whims of a player, the more inclusive its interface is. But the bottom line is the bottom line: The more a game interface can conform to the needs of the players, the more players will play and consequently buy the game.

Granted, I've been surprised before by what games had schemes that rendered them, to me, unplayable.  I've rejected games before because their control schemes were non-suitable, though less often due to non-lefty-compliance than because Mouse-look (i.e. Freelook) did not feature a reverse-Y for aviation-style vertical control (rather than standard mouse-pointer vertical control).

But obviously the Bit-Blot developers had us lefties in mind, since the number pad can be utilized. It's just buggy.

And as a lefty, I'd really like them to fix it, if that remains a possibility. I'll live without it, but I'll be happier (and like Bit-Blot more) with it.


Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Numberpad / Keypad can be used, but with problems. Please fix.
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2010, 12:07:29 pm »
Your response doesn't really sparkle in clearness either. =p

This game is opensourced and pretty much unsupported by the developers seeing they're both working on new games. Any bugfixing that could be done, should be done by a fanatic who knows a lot about the game and knows how to code. < This isn't me btw.
As to what your problem exactly it, I become more and more confused the more I read over your post. So I can't really help you there.
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Offline Uriel-238

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Re: Numberpad / Keypad can be used, but with problems. Please fix.
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2010, 01:17:43 am »
Fair enough. Though you did answer my question, and for that I'm grateful.

I'm not fanatic enough to root out the bugs within the source code either, so my solutions will pro'lly be external, or as I have with many games in the past, simply re-enter my preferred profile each time I play.

Despite  my disappointment in the answer, you've been most helpful in answering. Thank you.
