I'm glad people here seem to like the voice acting although I am pretty sure as many people who love it will also hate it... oh well, you can't please everyone right? Whether people like the sound of my voice or my accent is less important to me than the acting and delivery. It is like Alec says, many voice actors over play lines and end up sounding super hyper or camp. For some games that works but the character of Naija required more sensitivity and sincerity because of all the emotions and things she has to deal with in the game.
Yeah my side of the story is pretty much what Alec said. Gosh when I think what might have happened if I hadn't have got back to them! It would kill me to hear someone else voice Naija as I have got kind of attached to her. At the risk of sounding cheesy most of us have felt alone, like we didn't fit or that we were somehow destined for something better so hopefully people can identify with her and her experiences on some level. And hey, if that doesn't do it for you maybe my death/orgasm sound effects will

Accents definitely facinate me. The weird thing is that as a VA in this country I am classed as having received pronunciation which means you don't have a decernable regional accent ! But to anyone from outside the UK I definitely have an accent! Speaking of accents I am secretly very envious of people who can speak more than one language. British people aren't very good linguists because we just arrogantly assume that everyone else will know English.
I think if I ever have kids I will get them learning another language from a young age because it is so much easier than trying to learn as an adult! Aquaria actually has its own language doesn't it Alec? Perhaps I will learn Aquarian
Someone needs to make me a better website! Derek should make me a Naija themed one