Attention! Important stuff!As everyone else, I'm loving that we got and get new members through the Bundle and that the activity-meter went from zero to hundred in the last two weeks.
However, this much activity needs us to be a bit more careful about what we post where. This forum should, besides being a meeting point for Aquaria fans, help gamers who have a problem or are stuck somewhere.
At the moment, it is nearly impossible to find what you need, because we are talking about everything in every thread.
The first rule for this forum is
focus and that's what I want you to do. Focus on the topic and try to stay there. There are enough topics which don't mind some random talking or going off-topic, but even once useful ones got derailed pretty bad.
This has to stop.If some of you want to chat (as ten new posts in one topic by 2-3 members in a few hours indicate), please use #bitblot on There are even browser-based clients, so you don't have to install mIRC or XChat or something else. Doing it in a forum is called flooding.
All this off-topic talking may even scare new users away, who get confused and overwhelmed by the amount of chatting in these forums.
Thanks for your attention.