- Rainbow Soup
“Pass the dutchie on the left-hand side.”
Hot Soup + Rainbow Mushroom
In fact... I tried with a Divine Soup (yup... I wasted one) and it also worked. In fact any soup will do (that's what is written on the recipes book).
- Veggie Soup (There's another possibility) = Hot Soup + Any bulb
- Effect: Same as the other Veggie soup recipe
Edit Again

-Royal Soup = Hearty Soup + Veggie Cake
- Effect : Speed +2 for 30 seconds
Yet Again!

- Special Cake
+2 Health?
Veggie Cake + Red Berry
Dropped in Kelp Forest.
It does not do Heal +2, but Regeneration x2
Still here...

- Swamp Cake
Rotten Cake + Healing Poultice
Dropped in Mithalas?
The effect is pretty awesome!

When you eat this cake, nothing seem to happen... but, if you morph in fish form, then move, you spread big clouds of poison on you path!