I just bought it, though I didn't pay as much as I did last time seeing I already owned Cortex Command and having 2 games that are in development just doesn't cut it for me.
CC's a very fun game but their progress has been frozen MANY times, not even talking about all the crap on the forum they have been through.
Osmos is a fun game that I tried a demo of, it's pretty much "Eat everything that's smaller than you" with the twist of shooting away your own mass to go forward.
Braid and Machinarium I can't say I know much about, so surely I'll play those.
And I once took a stab at Revenge of the Titans, I believe also a demo, or it was one of their earlier game, but that needed a lot of updating.
Anyway, those were my 2 cents, not an amazing pack as last time (Lol <3 Aquaria), but surely still fun. :3