Ok, here it is :
It won't take you more than 15 minutes to learn all you need to know with Lua 
So, basically I'm looking at an object-oriented structure with each script being its own object? From what I can see, it looks like you have a constructor defined as init that gets auto-called on creation (I'm guessing here) and an update function that's basically what the entity does constantly. Can I write other functions into it? Can other objects call them, or is it strictly on an object-per-object basis?
If this is the Lua language, then it actually reminds me of Java, but with Perl's non-specific variable definitions, which is always something that bugged me in Perl. Since I can't enforce variable type, a few functions will either refuse to work or be prone to returning unpredictable results.
Also the function of the, err... Specific functions is a bit hard to follow, though that's probably just me not knowing which way the bolt turns. For instance, I see a function described as "entity_velx(ent)," and I'm not sure what that does. From the name, I can assume it returns the entity's horizontal velocity to be used for physics calculations, but even then I'm not sure what "ent" is in terms of data type. Since the function requires a variable to call it, I'm assuming I have to specify it? Can I just nest... Let's see what that was... Can I nest, say, getNaija() in it for a total of entity_velx(getNaija())? I'm assuming the get function would return a pointer for the entity function to use, but again, I'm guessing over not much background.
See, if I can wrap my head around the architecture used to hold things together in Aquaria, I'll probably be able to put something together, but again, that's a LOT to take in. It doesn't seem like a lot, and it probably isn't too much in terms of raw information, but it's actually a lot to process, because it is... Well, fairly serious programming. As... Serious as you want to make it, undoubtedly, but I like to know the systems I use.
In the Learning Lua article, it seems a bit... Mean to leave people guessing what the given code block would do

In my experience, especially for illustrative examples, it pays to explain the actual function step by step. I... Think I can sort of follow the steps with a LOT of guessing on my part, but I'm still largely in the dark, and there is no Light Form in sight!