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Webzen SUN Welcomes Ijji Players!
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Topic: Webzen SUN Welcomes Ijji Players! (Read 9719 times)
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Mini Bit
Posts: 9
Live. Laugh. Love.
Webzen SUN Welcomes Ijji Players!
November 12, 2010, 03:04:24 pm »
Hi. I don't know if any of you play SUN, but on Ijji's side, it's a crappy game with little to no updates. On Webzen's side however, the game is bustling with life. Before, players from the U.S. were IP Banned from playing Webzen's SUN. But now, Ijji has agreed to drop their service starting December 6th.
WARNING: There are still hostilities between a handful of both Ijji and Webzen players. Please, if you play SUN, just avoid it as much as possible.
Here is the link to the official announcement, VIA Webzen Forums:
My forum name on Webzen is Nero13** (Last two numbers blocked for account safety)
*Goes to lay down because his jaw hurts from having three wisdom teeth cut out and one extra tooth pulled all at once yesterday*
“The worst lies are the lies we tell ourselves. We live in denial of what we do, even what we think. We do this because we're afraid. We fear we will not find love, and when we find it we fear we'll lose it. We fear that if we do not have love, we will be unhappy.” - Richard Bach
Dream Bit
Posts: 1810
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Re: Webzen SUN Welcomes Ijji Players!
Reply #1 on:
November 12, 2010, 03:15:40 pm »
Never heard of this SUN thing, what kinda game is it?
Also having wisdom teeth.. 'cut' out sounds painful.
I hope you recover soon.
God sees and knows everything, but at least he won't gossip about it.
Mini Bit
Posts: 9
Live. Laugh. Love.
Re: Webzen SUN Welcomes Ijji Players!
Reply #2 on:
November 12, 2010, 03:28:24 pm »
Well, SUN stands for Soul of the Ultimate Nation, and it's a Free to Play Hack n' Slash MMORPG. I've asked GMLucy on the Webzen Forums to see about becoming a Community Support Manager so I can help end the hostility between Ijji and Webzen, so hopefully I get the position.
Here's the official website link if you're interested:
Now, you're able to download it and make an account, but U.S. Service won't start until December 06th, so you'll either have to wait, or Proxy your IP Address to a European one to play it.
Also, if you're interested in SUN, you should try Vindictus, it's a fun little Hack 'n Slash that's just come out of closed beta. Look for "Lionell" in-game if you download it.
Vindictus Link:
And yeah, it was painful a bit after I got home, but it's not that bad now. Still pretty sore, but better than hurting like hell. I just can't eat any hard foods or I'll rip out the stitches and the blood clots and end up getting Dry Socket. VERY painful. 'Nuff said.
Edit: Just tried out the PC version of Darksiders at a friend's house. Bloody horrible. They don't even have an option to modify the graphics through both in-game OR through a .ini file. Way to Fail, THQ.
Last Edit: November 13, 2010, 02:14:14 am by Percival
“The worst lies are the lies we tell ourselves. We live in denial of what we do, even what we think. We do this because we're afraid. We fear we will not find love, and when we find it we fear we'll lose it. We fear that if we do not have love, we will be unhappy.” - Richard Bach
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Webzen SUN Welcomes Ijji Players!