I actually kind of liked the extended ending. But then, I am a big fan of "But Wait!" twist endings. You know: bad guy's dead, all the likable people who you thought had died are actually okay, things are settling down to be nice and quiet and happy....but wait! What's this? The villain's not really dead? Or-- horrors!-- there's a new, even worse villain?!? Zoiks! It's that feeling that the story's not over-- that it may, in fact, just be beginning...
And Mia's such a great diabolical villain. Even more diabolical than the Creator. Yes, he's a genocidal megalomaniac, but at the core he's really just a frightened, lonely, hurting little boy. You can't help but feel sorry for him a little. But Mia's an adult-- a conniving, sneaky woman completely in control of everything. And a smug snake to boot. It's really too bad there won't be a sequel because I'll bet it'd be a lot of fun to go up against her. She'd mock you at every turn, taunt your feeble efforts, laugh at your tears. It'd make it all the more satisfying when you wipe that smirk off her face and she delivers her frantic "No! This cannot be! How is this possible?!!" speech.
Ah well, at least we got this little glimpse of her.
Plus, Naija did say she wanted more adventures...