What I don't understand is that you don't even think of the possibility that Mia already had Naija under control.
Mia is someone who's very mysterious but the story that you follow explains a lot about her.
Like that Mia couldn't kill the creator herself so she used a land creature for that, Li. And thus the manipulation of Naija. Heck, she probably even set up earlier meetings between Naija and Li, knowing her manipulative mind. And I wouldn't even be surprised that the time in between the mind wiping and the start of the story is not even a day, though could be. Just pointing out that she's probably powerful enough to make things like that happen.
This is an interesting theory but I'm not sure if there's anything in game to hint that it's the case - rather that there's nothing saying it DIDN'T happen that way, either. Like - I can find no
conflicts with it, but nothing really
supporting it either. Interesting, though.
Knowing... or rather speculating all this it'd be pretty obvious that she either knew Naija wouldn't respond violently or she had already manipulated her before she transported her to that spiral room. Which in fact is almost the same room as you started the story with, what makes it all the more sense if this all was either a dream/vision and Mia already caught her in her sleep. Why else take unnecessary risks?
this...this is
something. I'm rather stunned that I hadn't considered this myself and it - it makes so much sense. If we go with your theory here...this explains quite a few things.
Of note - it answers how Mia could seemingly do the impossible and reshape the entire landscape to have a cave lead where it once did not, in totally warped directions and have it end up just where it started and yet not where it started - how
could she? By doing as you say...and not doing that at all, but actually just manipulating Naija's mind, manipulating a dream landscape is certainly a simpler task than reshaping reality.
It also would be consistent with her powers - if she's simply manipulating Naija's mind, and has the power to wipe memories, it makes sense that she would have the power to warp a dreamscape - the consistency is also that Mia is not shown to have the power to reshape reality itself to do what it would take to physically manipulate the cavern, but IS shown to have the power to manipulate mental states. I can go one step further with your theory here and solve yet more of my conflictions - if it's all a dream manipulated by Mia, then it's a simple task to place Naija into a sort of sleep paralysis, which is a
real phenomena where a person is in a state between dreaming and awake and are unable to move or control their body - and this would explain why Naija seemingly did not resist Mia - due to being in that sleep paralysis state, she
Naija's pleas of
"Let me go!" take on a much stronger, and rather more eerie and desperate tone, under this interpretation. Under this, she is not just weakly pleading, but actually physically trying to do
something -as is her character-, but unable to control her body and is imploring Mia to not just let her return to her family, but let her go from her grasp and return control of her body.
I would also mention that if it's a dreamscape, there's other things that show this and have it make sense too - for one thing, it begins and ends in the Verse Cave. It is simply to imagine that Naija went here alone to meditate as she often did, and this one time simply fell asleep - and this is where Mia came upon her and manipulated her dream. As a final nod to this, a dreamscape would be where Mia has the natural advantage, in reality Naija would have the advantage, and considering how much Mia overpowers Naija utterly it makes sense that it must be a dream.
I really like your theory - you've done something for me here that hasn't been done in a while - it's rather similar to how I used to think the ending to Final Fantasy IX was complete nonsense and then I read this theory that explained how it was actually hinted at from the Lifa tree and whatnot, and now I look upon that ending with much more respect and understanding than I gained from it myself originally. Here now, I can do the same thing with Aquaria, it's rather fascinating.
This is why I made the thread, thank you.