Hi, I'm kinda new to Aquaria and this forum. (But not to forums and google, I've searched without luck.)
I bought the game through the humble bundle, and it's certainly worth buying again.
I haven't finished the game yet but I was taking a look through the source code and noticed the PlayStats struct.
Is there a way to view these at any time, or do I have to wait until the end of the game?
Once "someone else" gets the Aquaria source compiling on Windows, I think I'll add a some extra stats in there (Individual stats on enemies killed, for a start)
Here are the stats that are recorded. Possible minor spoilers:
struct PlayStats
// for sure
float timePlayed;
float timeInNormalForm; // seconds spent in normal form
float timeInEnergyForm;
float timeInNatureForm;
float timeInSunForm;
float timeInSpiritForm;
float timeInDualForm;
float distanceSwam; // distance swam in miles
int timesSaved; // # of times save is called
int timesDied; // # of times we hit the GameOver screen
int foodConsumed; // # of ingredients/food eaten
// maybe
int timesPlayed; // # of times the game started
int timesPoisoned; // # of times the poison applied gets called on Naija
int timesUsedTurtle; // # of times trans turtle is used (how to check?)
int timesRideSeahorse; // # of times ride seahorse
int timesLeptOutOfWater; // # of times Naija goes not underwater after being underwater
int timesBackflipped; // # of times Naija does a backflip, check in Avatar.cpp
float highestDive; // ...?
int creaturesConsumed; // # of times swallow creatures, check in Avatar.cpp
int sealoafsConsumed; // # of sealoafs eaten
int creaturesKilled; //
int monkeysFlung; // check in StatsAndAchievements
int racesRaced; // # of races started
int timesHugged; // # of times Li hugs Naija