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Offline aerozol

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« on: May 28, 2010, 03:14:02 am »
Edit: I've just started doing my own stuff now, since everybody else is too I suppose.
So I'll just post things here as I do them... But if anybody wants a hand with something, still ask (:


Hey guys, I just played through Aquaria in three days or so, after getting it with the Humble Indie Bundle.
It was awesome, really impressed!

I'm interested in helping out with graphics for anyone making a mod*
I'm inexperienced with illustration, but would still love to help out, and perhaps learn some stuff before making my own mod. Maybe.

You can see a bit of a portfolio here:
I only just got my workbooks from uni, so it's got no illustrations on there, but I assure you, I'm not too bad ;)

I'll check this thread for a few days, after that please E-mail me.



*that I'm interested in
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 02:27:24 pm by aerozol »

Offline Echolocating

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Re: Anyone need a artist/ designer?
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2010, 09:25:01 pm »
I felt the same way when I finished Aquaria. It's a beautiful and inspiring game. It made me want to be creative again... and I cannot adequately express how amazing that truly is.

Definitely post some Aquaria themed examples of your art though. I came from a bit of design background as well, and this digital painting thing has me learning all over again. And I absolutely love it.

Offline Lady-Succubus

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Re: Anyone need a artist/ designer?
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2010, 01:34:34 am »
I only wish Aquaria would inspire me to pick up my tablet pen and start trying to draw again. xD

Maybe not for a mod... but maybe as fanart? Someday. >_>
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Offline Inyssius

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Re: Anyone need a artist/ designer?
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2010, 04:18:33 am »
Hi, Aerozol! I also got the Humble Indie Bundle, devoured Aquaria in about three days, and was inspired by it. Unlike you and Echolocating,  I come from more of a programming background than an artistic one.

... which means that, like yourself, I'm looking for a collaborator from the other side of that equation. So, well... show me yours1 and I'll show you mine2:P

1: "Yours", in this case, referring to some Aquaria-style artwork.
2: And "mine", similarly, would be the mod outline and mechanical stuff that I've been making.

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Re: Anyone need a artist/ designer?
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2010, 08:09:34 am »
Ooh! Maybe you could make a mod together! How cute. ^.^
Bored little neko, pouncing along, scattering posts everywhere. =^.^=

Offline Xiagan

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Re: Anyone need a artist/ designer?
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2010, 09:57:52 am »
How promising! :) I like where this thread is going...
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Offline aerozol

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Re: Anyone need a artist/ designer?
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2010, 09:36:03 am »
Hi, Aerozol! I also got the Humble Indie Bundle, devoured Aquaria in about three days, and was inspired by it. Unlike you and Echolocating,  I come from more of a programming background than an artistic one.

... which means that, like yourself, I'm looking for a collaborator from the other side of that equation. So, well... show me yours1 and I'll show you mine2:P
Hey Inyssius! Good to hear! ;)

I've been messing with files in Photoshop, and getting used to using a tablet again (it's been a long time...)
I had big issues with the 'halo' effect too, covered another thread. But I suppose I'll just DL Gimp at some point, since apparently that fixes the problem.

To practice I decided to make a 'ninja' naija:

v0.1, v0.3
Which was a bit meh, but cool to get stuff working. I may fix/redo it at some point I suppose, or if people want it.

I also did a Pyramid Head costume:

Same Photoshop white halo BS, and I drew the whole thing too small, and had to stretch it up. So it's not exactly quality either...
But man, it's pretty funny to watch it swim around and flip and stuff : D

I have some ideas for a mod, but I don't want to ruin the surprises.
In any case, all the ideas are 'visual' ideas, which I think will work great with Aquarias set-up.
(Not mimicking its actual art style though. I don't think I can improve the original, and neither can I draw that well)

Slightly off-topic, I also made icons for all the costumes/ mods I've downloaded, because it was looking messy..

Mmm orderly

And btw I have experience creating things like Logos, Icons, and designing game Titles, so I thought some people may be interested in that. A nice looking presentation can do a lot for a mod.

Anyway, it's been fun!

p.s. your turn Inyssius ; )

Offline Xiagan

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Re: Anyone need a artist/ designer?
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2010, 10:18:21 am »
Looks awesome!  :)
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Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Anyone need a artist/ designer?
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2010, 12:05:16 pm »
Even though I must admit that your work is pretty damn awesome I'm not appreciating the whole selling yourself thing, there's only mods going on at the moment, nothing's planned for a sequel so I'm not sure why you're doing this much trouble.

Pyramid head costume is epic though. O:
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Offline aerozol

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Re: Anyone need a artist/ designer?
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2010, 12:10:16 pm »
the whole selling yourself thing
It's because my day job is being a whore : (

No, I just like working with people. I'm also kind of used to doing it for school etc. Do you mean I posted too much? Or my tone or something?
If you think I'm sucking up to get a paid job or something though, woow, I didn't know I was that good!
Otherwise let me know what you meant

Really liked your costumes/ mods btw!
If you can spot anything obvious that I should be doing differently, help me out please!
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 01:39:21 pm by aerozol »

Offline Inyssius

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Re: Stuff
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2010, 06:04:55 pm »
Even though I must admit that your work is pretty damn awesome I'm not appreciating the whole selling yourself thing, there's only mods going on at the moment, nothing's planned for a sequel so I'm not sure why you're doing this much trouble.

Eh wot?

Division of labor has played a significant role in the rise of human civilization, and still remains one of the most effective strategies in our arsenal. I'm not sure why you seem so bothered by it; the fact that people can accomplish more working as a team than they could on their own has been rather self-evident for some millennia now. One guy's good at making computers, one guy's good at running businesses, they team up and the businessman learns enough about computers to recognize and hire talented computer geeks to replace his original partner (who loses all his money and ends up in a commune somewhere in Southern California, admittedly, but the businessman ends up a millionaire). A shitty novelist meets a shitty theologian and together they tap into a market so lucrative that even with their massive gaping flaws they end up richer than Croesus. An illustrator/web developer meets a programmer/composer, they make a fantastic game, release it to critical acclaim, and in the process learn enough about their shared trade that they're now heading two separate game development teams (sound familiar?).

And if you think that mere mods aren't worth that level of attention... well, frankly, you haven't the foggiest idea what you're talking about. If you develop a mod like you'd develop an actual game, odds are you'll end up developing actual games. Valve, Epic, id, Bioware... those names sound familiar? Well, guess what else they all have in common. They all hire a whole lot of people who got their start making mods.

Treat it like fan art, and other devoted fans might occasionally recognize your forum handle. Commit to it, and you'll get job offers.

In other words, Alpha, if you're interested in game development, you might consider following Aerozol's lead instead of being offended by it.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 06:38:03 pm by Inyssius »

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Stuff
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2010, 07:07:37 pm »
Okay, in no way did I just deserve that whole preach you just put down, Inyssius. Not only did I know pretty much everything of that already, you're pulling shit in that have nothing to do with what I said at all.

And all your presumptions are rather offending, so fuck off.

All I said is that making commercials for yourself here is not only just making yourself renown, it's also useless seeing there's barely anything going on here. If you'd get into this forum with your guns blazing and having a mod at the ready, then show what else you're capable of, sure.
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Offline Lady-Succubus

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Re: Stuff
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2010, 08:38:20 pm »
I think alpha wants to see stuff he can actually play with instead of just pretty pictures. :3
Bored little neko, pouncing along, scattering posts everywhere. =^.^=

Offline Inyssius

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Re: Stuff
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2010, 08:52:10 pm »
Okay, in no way did I just deserve that whole preach you just put down, Inyssius. Not only did I know pretty much everything of that already, you're pulling shit in that have nothing to do with what I said at all.

And all your presumptions are rather offending, so fuck off.

...  ???

... okay?

All I said is that making commercials for yourself here is not only just making yourself renown,

If no one knows you're interested in helping, who are you going to help?

it's also useless seeing there's barely anything going on here.

Perhaps there's barely anything going on here precisely because of this attitude. I might be new here, but it seems to me as if telling people their efforts are "useless" and there's no point "[going to] all this trouble" isn't a terribly productive way to encourage participation.

Instead, I would think that--unless one likes it when "barely anything [is] going on here"--one might seek to applaud that sort of enthusiasm. After all, it could be that their eagerness to participate might spark the interest of other newcomers (and we are surely at an all-time high of those, thanks to the Humble Indie Bundle)--or even rekindle the ambitions of some long-time posters.

And wouldn't that be great?   ^-^

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Stuff
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2010, 09:19:53 pm »
Look, I don't even know what I meant with it myself anymore, all I know is that you took what I said out of context, but still looking at a logic way and pissed me off with it as even /I/ can't remember what I meant with it anymore.
And it's all nice and happy that more people thanks to the HIB come here, show interests and hopefully will also make mods, but this game has been existent for a while and never really got the appreciation that it deserved. If someone waltzes in here and shows how amazing he is without actually going to make a mod kind of annoys me.
He said he'd be willing to help people with a mod, that he's interested in. And there's nothing wrong with that, but there ain't a lot of active modders here that WOULD need someone with graphical skill.
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