And here we go, another part to add to the story

I hope you guys like it

She was awed by the beauty of this environment. When an orange fish with bright yellow stripes swum by she grabbed onto it, letting the fish drag her around. The water was flowing through her hair, following the curves of her body. She never before went through the water with such speed, no other sea creature she knew about had the ability to swim this fast. While swimming near the edges, leaves tickling her belly, she ran her hands through the plants, caressing them, feeling their texture. For a while she forgot what she came here for, and was pointlessly swimming around, enjoying every second of it. Then a single plant caught her eye, different from the others, far more beautiful. It shone a light prettier than any she had ever seen. Around the shiny bulb grew the most wonderful flower, it’s leaves seemed like they contained hundreds of colors, all equally beautiful. It was following the motions of the flowing water, slowly going from left to right. It was a simply enchanting view, one that urged her to come closer, and touch the shiny bulb. Slowly she swum closer to the plant, she couldn’t help but staring at its infinite beauty. As if everything moved in slow-motion, she moved her hand toward the bulb. It felt like it was made of the softest material she’d ever touched. But at the same time, the feeling she had was familiar, stored deep inside her. After a while, the light started to fade, and she felt stronger, something flowed through her now.
This feeling, it’s… familiar, as if I’ve felt this many times before. But there has never been a plant like this where I lived. This plant is the first step towards discovering my past, I must look for more plants like these. It feels too good to simply ignore it and think of it as if it was nothing.Encouraged by this warm and tender feeling she was reminded of what she had to do, there was no time dawdling in this new place she’d discovered. She had to go on, and find out what was causing the trouble in her home waters. Once again she swum through the cave, though this time, looking for an exit between the vegetation. Simply trying to spot one from a distance wasn’t going to help, she had to go through the plants, searching the very cave walls which were hidden behind them. After an hour of searching the dark walls by hand, she found an exit big enough to let her through.