After reading it again, I must say I agree with the watched thing, but I'm not going to use it as a hook for the story, since I want to try to keep the focus on the beauty of the surroundings, instead of putting the main focus on her being watched.
And sometimes it's just annoying for me to find the right words, English not being my native language, which is why it might be a tad repetitive sometimes..
You don't read alot and yet you write that?

Anyway, that's also a way to look on it, and I think I'm going to try and revise it again, though I will keep a part inner monologue, since that way the reader gets pulled more into the mind of the narrator. Plus I simply need more experience in writing, and how to keep things more interesting, which is why all the feedback is welcome.

It's something I like to do, but have little experience in. Plus, I haven't read a lot of books in English, which is also a reason that I haven't got a good view at the way English literature is written. Directly translating from dutch(my native language) makes it hard to have nice sentences because of the way the sentences are arranged in a different way.
Anyway here is the, once again, revised version, the first 2 paragraphs are mainly inner monologue, to get a feeling on how she feels and thinks about certain things. I did make adjustments to the watched parts, to have less repetition.
The third paragraph is becoming more like I think I want to write the rest of the story, part just all knowing narrator, and part inner monologue.
I am one of the countless diverse creatures to live in the oceans of Claesha-itryn. One day I was simply swimming around in my home cave, looking at the walls I had seen so often. I have lived alone for years now, and I can’t remember anything else. My life has always been the ‘perfect’ one. Living in a nice place, plenty of food, no one around to harm me. Still, I’ve always had this feeling of unease, as if something – or someone – was watching me. It didn’t really bother me much; life was the same every day. But today I noticed that the jellyfish usually swimming around my cave in massive schools, have... disappeared, leaving only a few jellyfish behind to enhance the view around my place. This made the feeling of being watched, become a more ominous one, doing this as some kind of warning. If only I’d know why, since I can’t remember doing anyone any harm, other than gathering food like all other creatures did.
I have always been anxious about where I came from, what my race was like, what their customs were. But most of all, since this morning, I wanted to know what those peering looks were from. Until now I never really had a reason to go, but this change gave me the support I needed to climb over the wall that was holding me back. Even though I wanted – no, needed – to go now, I still spent weeks pondering over what could’ve happened to the jellyfish, and why leaving here would make a difference. But by staying here I would just keep having the same routine every day, at the risk of losing everything that’s familiar around me. So I decided to go do something about it, make sure this will stop, and hopefully, find out about my past, the past I forgot.After foraging the food she’d need to last the first few days of this trip, she started thinking about what she’d leave behind. The ease of life as she had experienced it would almost surely disappear. As she followed the path between through the cracked cave walls, she got afraid of leaving, afraid of what she might encounter on her path. On the other hand, her home caves weren’t as safe as they used to be anymore, if massive schools of jellyfish could disappear in a mere night.
Would I be able to gather what I need to survive? I don’t even have a clue of what kinds of creatures and plants I would see if I moved on. But I couldn’t let the creatures I’ve grown familiar with disappear, they were too important for me, they kept me company. I can’t let them down!Thrusting her webbed feet through the water with a strong resolve to finish what she had just started, she came to a wide cave, bigger then she could have dreamt of. There were so many beautiful fish, far more colorful as any creature she’d seen before. Along the cavern walls were a massive amount of plants, kinds she had never seen, not a spot on the wall was left untouched. She loved the view of this new environment, and a passion to go on adventure in these new and lush environments started burning in her very soul. She knew there was no turning back now.
P.S. Sorry to ask you guys to read pretty much the same thing over and over. But I really appreciate the feedback, and I think it has already helped me improve my writing skills. It's a change from asking people I know in real life, they never give strong conclusive feedback, they usually want to be nice, though I've told them I'd rather have them burn it down completely then "be nice"about it. But at least I'm able to ask here, and the feedback I get here is certainly more useful. Thanks for all the help on this