Yeah, the postal system in Canada can be crazy, and it's not that unusual for them to mess up. Let me tell you a story about a quilt my Mom tried to send me.
First of all, the postal workers couldn't find my place. It's hard to blame them, since I rent a basement and the doors around the back. Hasn't stopped mail from arriving in earlier cases. So it must have been someone who doesn't usually do that run. Also, it's on a Close, not a Street or an Avenue or Crescent or whatever, which confuses people sometimes.
Anyways, since they couldn't find my address in BC and the parcel was also coming from BC, guess where it went? Nova Scotia! For non-canadians, that's the opposite end of the country. Apparently that's where unmailable parcels go because they can't be arsed to have provincial centres for that. My Mom managed to use the tracking number to find it, talk to people, untuil it got sent back to her. She then re-sent it, using the same address, and it arrived just fine.
So, it was supposed to arrive Dec. 22nd, 2009, and it arrived near the end of January 2010. This for a parcel sent priority shipping from one end of the province to the other.
Long story short, it could be neither the sender nor the receiver's fault, and stuff happens.