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Offline Joey245

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Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« on: February 20, 2010, 03:05:09 am »
Title says it all. Aquaria has loads of great music, but some tunes stand out more than others for people. Just out of curiosity, what are your top five favorite songs in Aquaria? If you would like, feel free to explain why its your favorite.

Mine are:
1. Open Waters 1 (or The Traveller on the OST)
Pretty much the anthem for the whole game, IMHO.
2. Mithala
The collective boss tunes for this deformed deity are five different kinds of awesome.
3. Remains
I love this song so much. It's sad in a happy way, mournful in a cheerful way, and depressing in an uplifting way, if that makes any sense.
4. Arboreal (or Heart of the Forest)
Natural sounding, mysterious, and so thrilling, Heart of the Forest really is what made the Kelp Forest my favorite area.
5. Open Waters 2 (or Lost Waters)
It's really Aquaria's version of a "driving song", the kind of song you play during a long journey to get yourself pumped for what's ahead.

That's all I've got. How about you guys?
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Offline Chibi

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2010, 07:02:28 pm »
Mine are:
1. Open Waters 1 (or The Traveller on the OST)
Pretty much the anthem for the whole game, IMHO.
2. Mithala
The collective boss tunes for this deformed deity are five different kinds of awesome.
3. Remains
I love this song so much. It's sad in a happy way, mournful in a cheerful way, and depressing in an uplifting way, if that makes any sense.
4. Arboreal (or Heart of the Forest)
Natural sounding, mysterious, and so thrilling, Heart of the Forest really is what made the Kelp Forest my favorite area.
5. Open Waters 2 (or Lost Waters)
It's really Aquaria's version of a "driving song", the kind of song you play during a long journey to get yourself pumped for what's ahead.

That's all I've got. How about you guys?

Quoted for truth, but Arboreal is my favorite. Great thread.  ;)

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Offline Joey245

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2010, 12:34:42 am »
Quoted for truth, but Arboreal is my favorite. Great thread.  ;)

Thank you. BTW, awesome avatar you've got there. Who would have thought that Naija would look good in a human hat?
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Offline Vetehinen

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2010, 01:56:59 am »
1. Title
Well, this was the track which forced me to buy this game. You could say, 'love at the first sound' or something. The menu screen, and I just stared and listened this eerie and haunting music. No need to say more  :)

2. Remains
Definitely one of the best tracks. It just fits the atmosphere - ruined and empty city where Naija wanders. A bit melancholic, I love how tempo changes, a bit, like lingering for a moment.

3. Sun Temple
Hehheh, simply love this! Excellent puzzles in that temple, and this "machinery"-like music playing on background. Unique. It reminds me of  "sounds from the past when those machines were build by that old civilization"...

4. Archaic
Aquaria theme + excellent music for travelling and exploring. Haunting, like "you never know what you might face after next corner" feeling.

5. Icy Waters
This was the last zone I travelled before continuing to the End. Very beautiful place altogether. Calming music, feeling of 'heart of winter and ice' indeed.

It's very hard to describe music, because if you dont know the "technical" aspects, you have to study how do you feel towards it... and it seems I could list all tracks here; I listen here as I write and... "this is good too, and this... oh wait a moment, how about this..."  :'( Agh, I surrender.

Altogether, every track is just amazing, and what I especially like, all of them have this "climax", "culmination" or "special part" (I dont know if there's a term to describe this) which makes it unique and exceptional. For example, track "Cathedral" has a very nice beautiful moment at 1:08 - it gave me goose bumbs when I heard it at the first time. "Dark Places", at 0:45. Or "Fallen Breed", such a unique feeling. Or the last battle, heroic theme of the "Worship" (4:37). And the beautiful piano music in the track "Ending"... Plus "Lost to the Waves" with its singing part... damn.

Not to mention this beautiful Aquaria-theme you hear in most of the tracks. I have a saying that "every good game/movie has a own theme music". Aquaria is no exception to this rule.

PS. this is a bit off-topic, but Marian -Travelling -track which came with OST is also extremely interesting.  Very nice theme.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2010, 01:58:43 am by Vetehinen »

Offline Chibi

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2010, 03:43:34 am »
Thank you. BTW, awesome avatar you've got there. Who would have thought that Naija would look good in a human hat?
Thanks - it's actually artwork by Konjak, the maker of Noitu Love and Noitu Love 2: Devolution. Mina of the Pirates (one of his abandoned projects) feels like Eternal Daughter.

Original drawings (NOTE: I had to crop the pictures, so some pics on the website are NSFW)  :):

« Last Edit: February 21, 2010, 03:49:30 am by Chibi »

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Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2010, 12:31:05 pm »
Naughty naughty, Chibi. =p
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Offline JEV3

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2010, 02:43:48 pm »
1. Lost to the Sea - A lovely song but feels just a little sad, given the games ending, the bittersweet feel works perfectly
2. Fallen Breed - Has a very final and climactic feel to it... Appropriately shows the tension of the gauntlet
3. March of the Krotites - A short piece which has an awesome buildup throughout the piece
4. Mystery - A very subdued tune, feels almost like a nursery rhyme
5. Remains - An excellent mix of melancholy and discovery, one of the better Atlantis-like tunes I've heard
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Offline Tonakai

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2010, 07:46:17 am »
5 songs, huh... This will be hard.

Open Waters 1
Worship 5

In no particular order.


Goddamnit, why only 5 songs!? There's just too many good songs in Aquaria.....

Offline Joey245

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2010, 01:21:34 am »
Goddamnit, why only 5 songs!? There's just too many good songs in Aquaria.....

I dunno. 5 seems to be the magic number for these types of threads. Gives you plenty of choices for favorites, but still challenging.
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Offline Arachne

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2010, 09:02:29 am »
Wow, it is a challenge. I'm just going through my soundtrack and picking out my favourites. I keep thinking about how each one always reminds me of how I felt the first time that I heard the music, usually alongside what was happening in the story.
So let's give this a try. Any other day my list could be different. They're in no particular order.

Archaic (Energy Temple) - I love the underlying arpeggio and percussion that gives it a militaristic rhythm. There's a sense of the chambers echoing for me, and the main theme coming in gives it a continuity with the rest of the world. Also that wailing kind of sound, not sure how to describe it, but it's cool. It fits the worship of destruction perfectly.

Boss Fraught (Mini Boss Fight) - It's just kickass, get-up-and-go music, and I love it.

Cathedral - It's odd to say, but I like how scary it is. Without the music, the cathedral wouldn't have scared me half as much. The underlying drone, bass line, men's choir kind of sound, the bells... just perfect for the place.

Dark Places (Abyss) - It was this one or Lost Waters. They're both so mysterious. I remember finding the Abyss scary too, but listening to the piece on its own (without being scared about what might be lurking just beyond my vision) it's really beautiful, but kind of mournful.

Ending - When the soft piano comes in playing the title theme and the main theme, the waterworks start flowing for me. It's so simple and beautiful, and suits the feeling of catharsis and revelation at the end. You feel like, in his destruction, that the boy is freed in a way.

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2010, 07:33:57 pm »
Icy Waters
Icy Waters
Icy Waters
Icy Waters

Words do not describe how much I love Icy Waters.  I can hear that song, and no matter what my mood is I'll start smiling.  The Frozen Veil is easily one of my favorite areas, and it's a fantastic reward for exploring the game.

Above gets bonus points for its introduction.  Breaching the surface for the first time (upside down, whoops  ;D) was truly breathtaking, partly due to this song.

I suppose I might as well list three more.

Dark Places (both for much the same reason as Arachne)
and Undiscovered Waters, which replaced The Traveller as my idea of the main theme for most of the game

Offline Arachne

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2010, 11:01:27 pm »
Yeah, I also love Undiscovered Waters. It always reminds me of the first time I played the demo, and I swam out into the Open Waters and realised, "Wow, this game is huge!" I wanted to explore more, and tried to calculate how much I could see before the trial expired. I think it's the rushing waves and the boldness of the main melody at the beginning that really get me.

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2010, 08:42:41 am »
Its too good...it brings near  nature to us...soothing to eyes......positive energy!

Offline Chibi

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2010, 08:55:37 am »
Its too good...it brings near  nature to us...soothing to eyes......positive energy!
Either you've got synaesthesia and a bad case of ellipsis syndrome, or you cranked out that ten-second post on a legitimate thread. Either way, you're a spammer, and Alec's got an itchy ban finger. Alec? Alec? Damn...  :o

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Re: Care to list your top five favorite songs in Aquaria?
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2010, 09:49:36 am »
Either you've got synaesthesia and a bad case of ellipsis syndrome

That actually sounds like a lot of fun
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