Upgraded energy form?
If you mean a 4 or 6 shot energy blast I think it's energytendril2, but I'm not sure on that one, I'd have to figure that one out.
EDIT: I just noticed that you can also alter the pet blasts, the files are called petblasterfire, petnautilus and petpiranha.
Obviously being for the blaster pet, the nautilus pet and piranha respectively.
And Li's damage is adjustable in the li file.
I'm trying to figure out which one are the dual form shots, I think I found Li's dual form shot, but I can't seem to figure out Naija's shot.
Li's shot is probably the dualshot file, since that links to the right graphic of the shot head, other dualform files link to the normal energyshot graphic. And I think Naija's one is unadjustable, since it's already instant kill as far as I know(apart from the creator?).