Wow! This is perfect. I tried your demo on my MacBook and it seemed to work perfectly. However, I encountered problems when trying to incorporate it into my own mod. I (being inexperienced at scripting and such) could not figure out how to make my images appear on the minimap. For example:
{"mul", "mmaps/mul.png", 0, 0, 256, 256, 650, "Open Passages",
i changed this to:
{"calebtest", "mmaps/calebtest.png", 0, 0, 256, 256, 650, "Welcome to Caleb's test map!",
my map is named calebtest and there is a picture called calebtest.png in a mmaps folder in the graphics folder. The words appear when I start the level and I can open the minimap however I only get the plain we-cant-find-your-image squares. Also, i happened to leave one of the demo maps in the folder and it came up when there was no reference to it in the whole script. Edwards, you said you would post more detailed instructions for stupid people like me so, if this is the case, feel free to ignore this and I will figure it out when they are posted.