Minecraft is really an amazing game, it is truely infinite, I think you could play it forever, or at least years. A true sandbox game

It is still getting more and more popular, it reached 1'000'000 sales.
Also the community is great, there is a team of developers that creates an API for other developers to create plugins. Hundreds of plugins have been released, it allows to modify every aspects of the game and to make your server different from others, this is truely amazing.
I did create myself several plugins, and one became very popular, MoveCraft. It allows to create vehicules out of blocks (craft) and make them move, in a world where everything is pretty much static. Thousands of downloads, 50'000+ views, wow

(but it was a lot of work)
Now I've stopped developing my plugins, but I still have an amazing server that did run for months with awesome buildings and structures. Hundreds of players have been playing on it (but like 20 connected at the same time), I've made friends, my brother and his friends are playing on it, my players spent countless hours creating a world, so you understand it is very difficult for me to stop the server like this.
My goal is to stop the server at a point so I can go back to Aquaria, but I'm not really sure how to do that and how much time it will take.