First Yogoda made Naija fly, then walk on land, several months ago, in a cool cloud sky map with floating rocks which we may never actually use. Now she is able to climb, and the player can choose whether to have her jump or climb. He's using a three-quarter view so I don't have to draw Naija sideways or from the rear, and it works fine; pretty realistic. We have gotten an amazing amount of work done since he came for a visit May 15.Yesterday he merged two sound files (from Lady Succubus' suggested website of free sounds) using Audacity, so we have a background of birds, crickets and an owl for the forest maps, plus an angry mosquito buzzing when Naija gets near the mosquitoes. We have mountains, trees and rocks in the parallax layers so scenery scrolls in the background and objects in front (trees, mostly) that "move" across Naija as she walks. She can run by moving the cursor further away, same as swimming in Aquaria. It looks amazing, guys; he really is creative with the scripting. I'm finishing up a ring-tailed lemur and starting a snowy owl this week. We're taking a couple of days off to visit the California redwoods tomorrow. Yogoda told me today he is going to find a part-time job when he goes home so he has more time to work on the mod and on games; he doesn't belong working in a bank. We are hoping he can use his work in the three mods he has made (this one nearing completion) as a resume and get a job making indie games, or find compatible people who want to do this with whom to work . I would be happy to play also. Thanks again for all the comments and support!