We're taking a bit of a break, but I have been working on the forest map and it's almost done; also took a shot of the entrance from the waterfall tunnel to the first forest map. I know we are showing you mostly scenery and no bosses but that is how we want to preserve some surprises for you guys when you go to play the mod.

Lots of branches to add; I really like how there are level 9 trees in front and trees and mountains behind on the parallax layers
so as Naija walks or runs along you can see the scenery move realistically and she walks behind things too. Also the trees
are very tall, so there is lots of opportunity for climbing and discovering treasures and stuff in the trees, and of course
Naija can jump from one tree to another, but I don't think she can jump to the trees in the parallax layer as they are in
the distance. Yogoda handles all the logistics. I know the ivy on the right part is way too big; it will all work out.

This is where the tunnel from the magic door in the waterfall map ends, at the beginning of the forest map.

This is in the middle of Forest Map 1, where I added some of the fluffy trees behind in the parallax layer; the trees behind
the fluffy guy on the right are on a parallax layer also but they move faster.