I got a key for the open beta, ending the download of the client and soon i'll be ready to go ^^. It begins the 6th of September
I have planned to create and asmodian CHANTER called Naija, it was difficult to chose between Elyos (angelic people) and Asmodian (fallen angels with metal claws in their hands and toes and bluish skin (it matchs pretty well with Naija's skin color) but Asmodae is beautiful too, not just Elysea, it has twilight gardens, snow lands and seas.... I'll send you a screenshot with her portrait, i'll try to clone her face as exact as i can.
PS In fact this could be a "what if..." of Naija as a winged creature
EDIT: The character creation tools are quite potent, but i had a hard work creating Naija's face, it was a challenge while confronting the Naija's pictures and my personal taste about women faces. This is the result