You need to collect all 3 of her lost memories, then you'll get the full ending.
This full ending then leaves some room for a possible sequel, but that doesn't mean a sequel is actually going to happen.
If you've collected all 3 lost memories, the game will show a message that the other ending has been unlocked. in the final ending, you will be given back control over Naija after defeating the final boss, and you must swim in a spiral towards the middle, where she will have a final confrontation with the shadowy figure Mia.
One memory is in Mithalas city, you'll get it once you've found the kitchen there.
One memory is in the giant water bubble above the sun temple, you'll need to go through the sun temple to the top to get it (not via the sun worm, but by jumping from gear to gear)
one memory is in the Abyss, you'll need to drag the pearl out of the whale and into the pearl holder more towards the ceiling of the middle room in the abyss.