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Re: What do you think about making a MMORPG game like Aquaria
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2010, 05:34:41 am »
Ugh. I spent about 45 mins working on a picture of a walker yesterday, got about half-way done with it. Then today I decide to work on it and find that it wasn't saved>:D It's always those kind of things that I get really frustrated about.

Naija is rather nude in the contrary to Li. :P
A fact which I'm sure Li appreciates very much. ;) Although the Mithalans didn't wear much either, so I guess it's a bit more customary to wear less in underwater societies.

Though how else would blizzard be selling such a horrible game if there weren't any halfnaked ladies in it, hm?
You know, I don't recall the warcraft universe to have so many women in revealing outfits in it. Warcraft 1's Garona had some pixelated cleavage, and Warcraft 2 had no women at all (there's Alleria from the expansion but she doesn't have a custom sprite and has to share one with the other elves). Warcraft 3 is where the women started to show up, and they've been getting half-nakeder ever since.
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Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: What do you think about making a MMORPG game like Aquaria
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2010, 09:19:01 am »
I'm just saying that sex appeal does a good thing for the creator in the game industry.

Also makes me wonder if Alec or Derek ever thought about this regarding Naija when creating the costumes.
If it was the "Oh! That'll be an awesome looking costume." or if it was "Oh, the players will LOVE this costume." Or perhaps another?
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Re: What do you think about making a MMORPG game like Aquaria
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2010, 12:02:26 pm »
I'm just saying that sex appeal does a good thing for the creator in the game industry.

Also makes me wonder if Alec or Derek ever thought about this regarding Naija when creating the costumes.
If it was the "Oh! That'll be an awesome looking costume." or if it was "Oh, the players will LOVE this costume." Or perhaps another?

We didn't want Naija to be overly objectified. We figured she took some pride in her appearance, but it probably wasn't her top priority. We also figured she probably wouldn't be too concerned about nakedness, as she was mostly living alone or alongside strange underwater creatures.

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: What do you think about making a MMORPG game like Aquaria
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2010, 02:44:54 pm »
Yeah, when she met Li, she was worried about all her flaws and stuff, I can remember that.
Good decisions though, best choices that could have been made imho.

Though if she wouldn't have been concerned about nakedness seeing everything else around her is naked she should've been a nudist. XD /joke plzdntaksrsly

But yes, enough offtopic. :P
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Offline Zoko

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Re: What do you think about making a MMORPG game like Aquaria
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2010, 11:53:17 pm »
Though if she wouldn't have been concerned about nakedness seeing everything else around her is naked she should've been a nudist. XD /joke plzdntaksrsly

Well, we have the nude mod a certain someone made for that, don't we? 

I'll get on topic as soon as I finish the next pic.
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Offline NeatNit

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Re: What do you think about making a MMORPG game like Aquaria
« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2010, 02:15:39 pm »
The only good MMORPG I've ever played was Dungeon Runners... Unfortunately it no longer exists :(

Anyway, they implemented the story in a pretty unique way... I haven't read the wikipedia page very thoroughly, but I think it mentions it there. If there was an Aquaria MMO I think this would be the best way to do it.

Edit: http://www.thetownstons.com/thetownstons/index.php/Dungeons
Dungeon maps are "spawned", or created, individually for each player or group each time they enter. You can leave a dungeon and go to Town, and return to the same map. If you leave a dungeon, sign off, and return, you will find an entirely new map. However, the basic plan of each dungeon and the "off" dungeons remain the same. The dungeon pages below contain Schematic Maps for each dungeon, and also lists of monsters encountered on each level.
Basically, the towns were filled with people, but when anyone went into a dungeon he would find himself alone, in a procedurally (I think) generated level. The server would remember the level for the player, until he has signed off (or until he manually resets dungeons). If a player crashes, he has 5 minutes to log back in or his dungeons would be lost. All this would mean is that the next time he enters, there will be a new procedurally generated level with all the monsters back in it.
There were SOME levels that were not generated, but were the same every time. I haven't gotten a chance to play the game much, but the first ever dungeon (Dew Valley Forest) was the only one I saw. :P

Obviously, if you were in a party, all the dungeons would be shared, and they had each other inside the dungeon.

Basically, this system allowed the MMO to be more story-oriented, while still keeping the feel of both singleplayer and MMO. It was a very nice outcome, and I think this system would work well for an Aquaria MMO :)
« Last Edit: February 18, 2010, 02:24:55 pm by NeatNit »

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Re: What do you think about making a MMORPG game like Aquaria
« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2010, 02:00:52 pm »
I haven't finished Aquaria yet, so please forgive me for not reading the previous posts in fear of spoilers. It is an incredible game; beautiful, smooth... truly amazing. Though I'm not far through it yet, I know it's one of my favourite games (not that I've played an awful lot). I will be reading replies to this post, assuming there are any, so if the posters would be so good as to refrain from posting anything akin to a spoiler, that'd be grand. I would tell you what I've played through so far, but that'd be a spoiler in itself, wouldn't it?

So: I've been thinking the last few days about how an Aquaria MMORPG would be if there was one, and I've become so attached to the idea that I want to make it. Unfortunately, I don't know anything whatever about programming. I know that Aquaria is soon to be released as open-source, so I'm thinking it might be possible to use the existing engine and graphics as a base.

Here are some of my ideas, in case anyone feels like reading them:

1) No levels. I don't feel they're right for Aquaria. Rather than having the game's focus on levelling, I think it should be based around socialising (I don't know much about Aquaria's races (yet?), but whales and especially dolphins are social creatures, aren't they? And a glance at Naija's chest can tell you she's a mammal), but since players always like something to work on, what about different outfits, pets, and extremely customisable houses? Of course levels may be the best option - it'd be hard to find something to fully replace them - but if possible I think it'd be better to steer away from them. An idea that quickly occurs is songs - rather than raising levels, players work on collecting a multitude of songs, including forms.

2) Exploration. I don't know what content would need to be free and open-source, but if maps and maybe monsters could be kept secret, a huge world to explore and discover new areas and monsters would be perfect. The red save points could be converted into respawn points, where you reappear on death; in my opinion there should be no death penalty, though perhaps you could have only a few hitpoints on respawn.

3) Trading and items. Some kind of seashell could be used as currency, and players could sell and buy items. However, unlike other MMORPGS where all items appear in the Inventory, there would be different kinds of items in different windows, as with the single-player (and more importantly, existing) Aquaria. Off the top of my head, 'Food', 'Pets', 'Outfits', 'Treasures'.

3.1) Food. As with Aquaria single-player (which from now on I shall refer to as 'AQSP'), players should be able to collect different items from monsters and plants, and combine these in various ways to make various foods. So far in AQSP I've encountered foods which increase current hitpoints, and defense, speed and energy (?) temporarily. The uses of food could be extended to purely aesthetic effects, or de-aggravating monsters and such. The Food inventory should contain 5 pages of 10 slots.

3.2) Pets. Lots of different pets for lots of different things, some killing monsters for you, some giving light, others boosting your attack or slowly healing you. Others just looking fancy to show off to other players. Hard to obtain, pets would make good things to sell. The Pet inventory should contain 3 pages of 4 slots.

3.3) Outfits. Plenty of outfits, possible body and head as separate items, to customise your Aquarian avatar. What'd be really nice is the ability to make new outfits in much the same way as cooking - combining a cloth and adornments and dye. The Outfits inventory should contain 5 pages of 8 slots.

3.4) Treasures. Several possible uses for a treasure, the main one being an item to add to your home. Rather than the stationary treasures in AQSP, these should be carry-able with the Bind song (or most of them, anyway).

4) Home customisation. At best, a map editor for almost unlimited possibilities. Each tile would have a price, usually money but sometimes an item; the prices would vary between areas (eg stony floor tiles would be cheapest in a Home Waters-type area, whereas leafy floor tiles would be cheapest in a Kelp Forest-style map). Backgrounds would be different in each area, but unchangeable. Some tiles could also be free up until a certain amount have been used - 100 free floor tiles, for example.

5) Song combat. One thing I was disappointed with in AQSP was the combat; I was hoping for a lot more singing and a lot less shooting. For "Aquaria Online" I would rather see many songs to be sung in combat, the player responding to the monster's actions to defeat it as quickly as possible with a minimum loss of hitpoints.

6) Less lasers.

I'm well aware that this project is doomed to fail unless a number of experienced programmers step up for the job, but I decided to share some of my thoughts on the matter. There's probably more I could go on about, but it's late and I'm tired. At any rate, we can have fun discussing how great it'd be if it was made, yeah?

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Re: What do you think about making a MMORPG game like Aquaria
« Reply #22 on: May 21, 2010, 09:35:25 pm »
Too bad if an Aquaria MMORPG had spirit form it wouldn't be half as useful, since you can't... exactly freeze time in a mmorpg. :(
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Re: What do you think about making a MMORPG game like Aquaria
« Reply #23 on: May 21, 2010, 09:53:22 pm »
I wonder how boss encounters would be best presented if it were an MMO... I would think it would have to be heavily instanced to keep bosses from being endangered species. ;p

And spirit form wouldn't be very useful in current form, that's for sure.
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Re: What do you think about making a MMORPG game like Aquaria
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2010, 09:55:37 pm »
Some games just make their bosses really, really hard and then spawn them every hour, so no one keeps them endangered. :3

Maybe they could have time moving forward and allow holding down right click in spirit form? If Aquaria MMORPG had duels it'd be fun to watch. People would just give up on energy form and beast/dual each other to death. :3
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Re: What do you think about making a MMORPG game like Aquaria
« Reply #25 on: May 21, 2010, 10:19:15 pm »
Those games are almost always grind-fests... I'd probably never play if it were built that way.

Spirit form would probably be hard to get right. Maybe allow clipping in defined areas and shift the damage target to the player controlled spirit?
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Re: What do you think about making a MMORPG game like Aquaria
« Reply #26 on: May 21, 2010, 10:23:10 pm »
What do you mean by clipping?
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Re: What do you think about making a MMORPG game like Aquaria
« Reply #27 on: May 21, 2010, 10:39:18 pm »
What do you mean by clipping?

Ability to travel through "solid" objects. Actually I sort of misspoke too... it'd be more like turning clipping off so you wouldn't hit those walls.
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Re: What do you think about making a MMORPG game like Aquaria
« Reply #28 on: May 21, 2010, 11:36:04 pm »
I was actually more concerned about the other ability of spirit form. :3

I think its ability to travel through vents is powerful enough. Nothing else--not even orbs--can travel through those. :3
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Re: What do you think about making a MMORPG game like Aquaria
« Reply #29 on: May 21, 2010, 11:58:54 pm »
Yeah, that makes sense. Typically more of a utility form than a general use form.
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