Finally i could find the whale's pearl and oppening the room where the third memory was. Really charming memory and the music is perfect, it seems to be the birth of Naija
I want to know if you can see again the three memories, i want to see them more in detail
Another thing, i learned the ghost boy song (well, the ancient god song) but it doesn't appear in my song list, i mean, the icon doesn't appear but when i sing it, the icon appears just a second and then dissapears, but i don't know what is its use. I finished the game once and now i want to finish it again with the threee memories. I want to know if the dark ghost (seems to be Mia, the mother of Naija [at the beginning i thought her mother was the princess of Mithalas]) visites you more times. I remember it at the beggining, in the verse cave when it touches you, then at the exit of Mithalas, and i think she visites you once more. But i don't know if that's all.
PS This PS is for you, the developers. Do you think it would be a good idea to write a book about Naija and Aquaria? With more details about everything that happens in Naija's live, Aquaria and the lore.... everything. It would be great, seriously. I'll buy it, despite it would be in english (i'm spanish, hi there ^^)