My name is Marius. I am (like eric monk) from Germany.
Im 18 years old, and I highly enjoy video games of all type.
Battlerager is my established nickname for all internet related stuff and any creative stuff I do.
My favourite console has to be the SNES, favourite games inlcude (but are not limited to):
- any Mega Man game (love the tight controls)
- Terranigma
- Secret Of Mana
- Plok
- Any Zelda game
- Europa Universalis 3
- Baldur's Gate 2
- Neverwinter Nights
etc. etc.
I never cared much about Indie games, basically because I don't think not being "mainstream" is not automatically better or worse or anything.
Well, to put it that way, I was simply not aware of Indie Games very much. There is (as with "mainstream games") a mix of good and bad games to be found, it seems. I remember that awesome SCHMUP "Jet's N Guns". Is that considered Indie too? Haha, whatever.
I am a composer and guitarist. Being quite the lousy guitarist, I focus more on arrangagement and writing most of the time.
I enter Dwelling Of Duels on a reguar basis, where I record my own rearrangagements of video game music. The results are mixed, but my passion and dedication to video game music stays ever strong.
(shameless plug:
I can also be found at, where I post music I have written in MIDI using Guitar Pro software.
That's it for now.