Hi again, and thanks for the welcomes!
Chibi: I'll probably post about my mod plans this coming weekend. I have a main story which I'd like to keep as a surprise, but I should be able to get most of my ideas across without spoilers. (It's not particularly awesome, but there's some humour in it that I'd like to surprise people with.) So far, the only in-game stuff I've created is just to get familiarized with modding the game. My favorite thing so far is this dude I made that creepily chases you around whenever you spin.
Silverflagon: Yeah, I'm kind of lazy when it comes to joining new forums. I frequent two others, and this is the one I've posted most on in the past week or two! Also: yup, the magnet is quite fun, and it gives us an excuse to play with liquid nitrogen every week since we have to refill it!
Xiagan: I found you. Mwuhahahaaaa!