You know it's kind of funny, I've been around on the forums for ages, and never did properly introduce myself. Go figure. So without further ado:
Hello everyone, my name is Shiloh Stieber, aka Sean Stieber, Aka ET2(SW) Stieber, I'm an Electronic Technician 2nd class in the US Navy and currently deployed on the USS Peleliu LHA-5 Amphibious Assualt and Air Craft Carrier. My primary work here is a Radar Technician, mostly surface search radars and Navigation Beacons, but I've worked on many systems. I've been in the military now for 5 years, going on retirement. It wasn't my initial goal to retire out of the military, as I had plans to just do a 6 year contract to get my GI Bill to finish up college. Well turns out I can finish college while I'm in the service anyways, but I had joined as a single guy and ended up getting married to a beautiful wife and having two children. My next command that I have orders for is Kauai, HI and I'll be on shore duty for 3 years there. My major in college was Computer Science, specific in C++ programming and heavy on mathematics. I finished 4 semesters of calculus before enlisting in the Navy. Programming has never really been my strong point, graphic design was always what I have excelled at. I suppose that's why I have always had the interest in programming though. To become better at something that I am not that great at. I understand all the basics, but forming advanced routines just isn't my forte, at least yet.
I've grown up around computer all my life and game systems as well. My first computer was an Atari ST, my first game system was an Atari 5200, in fact I ended up owning two of them. One of which I got at a flee market for an insanely cheap price and it was still brand new.
I was born in Santa Clara, CA. But raised in Santa Cruz for 16 years. 2 years after that I finished my Junior and Senior year of highschool in Healdsburg, CA at Healdsburg Highschool. I've been to 4 highschools unfortunately due to parents divorce and re-marriage. So I had to go through the process of making all new friends at each school.
I've been to 2 colleges, all of which are community colleges, San Francisco City College, and Chemeketa Community College in Salem, OR. I lived in Oregon for 4 years, managed to find many great friends and have some amazingly good times.
My hobbies in graphic design include many different forms from computer related, from adobe photoshop/gimp to flash, to HTML/DHTML/XML design. Other areas in arts I find an interest in include drawing in other mediums such as pencil, pen, colored pencil, and watercolors(of which I have not touched since college). I enjoy music production, using Fruity Loops Studio, Audacity, and Soundforge. I dabble in music composition with both electronic keyboards, and with acoustic guitar.
As far as sports, I grew up on soccer for 8 years, Tae Kwon Doe for 6 years, was a Junior life guard for 6 years, and my outdoors activities include swimming, and skiing.
The most fascinating thing I have found in this world include three things, love, my children, and my wife, and certainly they come hand in hand,.... in hand.
So that's me in a nutshell.. sorry I'm so late on introductions.