Hello! I am Anastasia (though I prefer Anna) from America, and it is nice to meet you all!~
Post some stuff about me, you say?
1 I've a most likely
unhealthy devotion to anything Japan-related. In-fact, when I turn 21, instead of getting wasted, I am going to Japan for a month as a birthday present to myself.
3. Graduated high school last year, and moved to one of the most dairy saturated states in the whole US of A.
4. Am happy-sadist.
5. Heard of Aquaria through tigsource.com, decided to check it out, and have been hooked ever since the first water filled moment.
6. I tend to be very picky about the games I play so indie games are my preferred drug -couch
gamecough- of choice. However mainstream games are just fine too.
7. My brother has a bird, and there is not
one day that goes by without the little feathered idiot biting me.
8. This is one of the few forums that I've registered at. Lurking
can be fun, right?!
9. I make it sound like I don't have much of a life a good majority of the time, but it's all a lie.
10. Sometimes when I am alone, I can hear the world spinning.

Fun fact:
I was younger, I owned ever single tape of Woody the Woodpecker, and to this day I can still imitate his laugh perfectly.