I know this is an odd/random place to put this, but I don't know if you check tweets often from those you are not following you. I also didn't think a new thread really needed making. I refer, of course, to the following:
Wrote da music for Kyle's GGJ game while barely awake and right at the last minute. Yay! http://bit.ly/bzsfO4
to which I replied, of course:
@infinite_ammo Is this the part where I ask if it's possible to get a download of the music? 
I don't know if hif you have the right to put it up for download, but if you don't, perhaps you could ask them. I like to get my hands on anything you do music-wise, as I love your, well, music (hard to tell, right? :p). If indeed you can't put it out legally, and they don't want to for free, I'd be glad to pay a price

And, also I'd be glad to host it if needed.
to be quite honest, i haven't even heard the music yet, as I haven't been to my PC, but I have no doubt it's great :v You should really write up a list of all the games (or otherwise) you've done music for -- that'd be awesome. Then, you could sell a compilation of all of them perhaps