I initially tweeted it, but I figure this may be a better place to ask. Is there a chance that those of us who already purchased may be able to get some money off of the digital download? I'm super eager to listen, and I have no idea how long it will be until my copy arrives. I plan to donate more in general to the marian project in the future, but right now I'd rather have the $10 for other things.
Even if not on a mass scale, you could, upon request from an email address registered with a CD purchase, toss out a link or something? Dunno--thought I'd ask!
edit: You don't seem to be active today, so I guess I will just go out on a limb and buy it. If I get a refund on it, cool. If not, oh well. Tough day calls for Aquaria OST.
edit2: For anyone who cares, if you order the FLAC version, you CAN still download the MP3 version if you don't feel like transcoding it yourself, despit what the site says. And, while I can't test it, it would seem that if you (accidentally or not) chose MP3 and decide you wanted the FLAC, that's also possible. If you look at the source of the download page, you will find a link in this format:
Basically, you can just search for "?enc=" and go from there. Replace -only- the field ?enc=BLAH with one of the following, as listed on their site: "mp3-320", "mp3-v0", "mp3-v2", "aac-hi", "aac-lo", "vorbis", "flac", "alac"
And, obviously this won't work if you haven't already purchased it -- this is in no way a method to bypass purchasing this amazing album. This is also helpful if you don't want/can't have flash, as it lets you do a normal direct-download
@Alec: Feel free to let me know if you want this removed for some reason. It seemed like something people would want to know, and I found it very useful for downloading it straight to my laptop after purchasing on my PC.