
Very much looking forward to getting it. I have a feeling the disc will be in my rig 24/7 for a while, just as I did with the gamerip for so long (I'm almost tempted to grab a non-signed copy too, to keep the signed copy for when you get famous

And, two other things!
(1) I know you mentioned it somewhere, but how many copies are being distributed? I have some friends who I think may want it, but I'm not sure how much I need to rush them

(2)Fairly offtopic, but I was thinking that as time goes on, it might be a neat idea to encourage donations for Marian by putting up tracks as people donate or have an IA fanclub type thing. Perhaps something where people could donate to the project to become part of a Marian/IA fanclub, and then once a week or so, some exclusive content would be put up, from new concept art, to a song from the soundtrack, an inside look at things. Not sure if it's a good idea or not, but I know I'd certainly participate, and it would likely spur a lot of extra donations

It's rare I try to get so involved in stuff like this, but for I really love the work you do and how much of yourself you put into your games.