I'm happy to sign things if people want me too.
It is just the logistics issue. I guess Alec would have to take the orders, send me the CDs then I would sign and send on to wherever they needed to get to.
What do we need? I can supply you with the packaging, the said item to be signed, the sharpie markers (I use the Industrial Sharpie for durability), the return label and a free drink from StarBucks as a thank you for signing and physically shipping it out. I recommend a Bannana Chocolate Soy Vivano with five pumps of Mocha to enforce the chocolate aspect.

Oh, Alec. Is it possible to aquire a non-folded poster at my expense? The poster is fine, but the fold marks do wrinkle and chip the print thus making the presentation of a professionally framed piece of artwork a bit sour. If not that's perfectly fine too.