I bear news of a truly wondrous event that undoubtedly a handful of you at most know or care about. On November 22nd, the fan translation of Shin Bokura no Taiyou, third in the series that Hideo Kojima himself, the legend behind such sagas as Metal Gear Solid, holds within his heart as his personal brainchild, will be released to the public for all the enjoy. What a thrilling run-on sentence, you should all be delighted. The point, as it were, is that this is the best damn thing ever. Greater than peanut brittle, more powerful than a locomotive, Boktai will rock your socks right out of your shoes and you should all run clamoring to your closest game stores to buy it right now. Why, I hear your dubious and mistrusting voices ask, have you not heard of it? Because the bitter truth is that the majority of gamers are horrible fat lazy sluglike creatures who don't want to travel out into the world lit by our mother Sun, which as it turns out Boktai requires. Necessitates, even. And so they have dragged poor Boktai down into obscurity. It is to weep.
But enough meaningless hemming and hawing from my gaping maw. Feast your eyes upon
this forum when the fateful day comes. Iron your best writhing-in-glee outfit. Tell your friends. Be the first on your block to collect the whole set.
Go nuts.