Oh, wow, thanks, you guys! I went in and got the fourth spirit and freed Li. I went back out of the Body because I think I need to practice using the dual form. The spirits that were circling around me after I freed Li didn't stay after I saved; do I need them anymore? Do I have to go get them again? I read that I need to have Li kill three nature briars to charge him up so Naija can scream, but I tried making some and he just looked at them; don't know how to get him to do that. I did practice absorbing bombs in the bubble cave with the crab thingie, and I could do it, but it doesn't charge up enough health. I will use that, though, in the body. I have 6 arcane poultices and five special bulbs (Spoiler: thanks to the sea nymph cave and the sea dragon and lots of patience) to make more; 8 legendary cakes and 5 rukh eggs to make more. I feel as if I am preparing for a seige of mortal warfare, moreso than in any part of the game before. After reading the walkthrough of the body I feel as if I need to study, like in school, not to pass a test, but to survive. Most of the time I would rather breeze by the baddies with my jelly on. You know how sometimes you just feel like blowing something up? Then I play Star Defender or Ricochet Infinity; mindless fast-moving pure spam with little skill; you're "in the zone", fully present in the moment, and thinking would just slow you down. The thing I love about Aquaria is that cunning and creativity (sideways thinking) play a much bigger part. It is so obviously a game made by two exceptionally bright, complex people who want to engage the heart as well as the mind (that's you, Alec). And the advice from this forum is key to any success I have had. Thanks for telling me you can't absorb the horror crab's missiles, SevenMass; I read somewhere how to kill them but I forgot. Just ignoring them for now. I read that you can just breeze past the chompers without engaging them, so I snuck by on the side in jelly plus shield form with no trouble to get the last spirit form; after no luck with briars (Spoiler: which worked great for getting through the knot of mutants in Mithalas, since I got nature before beast form) I was about to try fish form, which I used to use to get past the bright colored hedgehogs in the kelp forest (before I realized I could sing them out of the way), but I have the feeling that I would have been fish dinner for the chompers. Anyway I'm going to practice Dual form before going after the Creator. Thanks again for the support!