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fourth spirit; possible spoilers
« on: June 13, 2009, 07:00:48 am »
Okay, where is that fourth spirit hiding in the Body? Haven't made it past the chompers; first time I died, second time I ran back and saved with three spirits. Mostly using jelly armor and shield to get around; it would take such a long time to kill all those green poison-shooting balls and the energy-zapping critters. Do I find it in between those purple blob thingies? Going back for another try. Did all you guys realize that whenever Naija is poisoned, if you wait about 15 seconds, she's fine; no need for food?
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Re: fourth spirit; possible spoilers
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2009, 11:27:58 am »
here is a map of all aquaria and there in the body the put the place where you find the spirits.also don't forget in the body to get the arcane poultices and try not to use it because it will help you in the last boss. I woud at first use as a strategy a run strategy using the jellyfish armor and then when you get last form and go to the deepest part of the body you will know what it mean then kill everything that moves( this place will became a hell with lots i mean lots of enemies and your best friend will be jellyfish armor, a scream attack(last form) and food).


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Re: fourth spirit; possible spoilers
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2009, 11:29:53 am »

Offline SevenMass

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Re: fourth spirit; possible spoilers
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2009, 03:18:04 pm »

Mostly using jelly armor and shield to get around; it would take such a long time to kill all those green poison-shooting balls and the energy-zapping critters.

This is actually true for a large part of Aquaria, you really don't have to use energy form 90% of the time and kill everything. Unless you enjoy doing so.

Here is an other reason not to kill those virus thingies: you can use spirit form to absorb their missiles and heal 1 HP per 5 missiles. With a lot of them around, you can easily get multiple missiles very rapidly.

Don't hit the missiles, just get near them and press the attack key to activate the absorb function. Don't move to far from your body.

There are some missiles that can't be absorbed though. unfortunately. The horror crab's for example.

Also, if you really want to, once you've got dual form you can kill these tough foes in masses by screaming at them. Just kill 3 weak enemies first to charge up.

Did all you guys realize that whenever Naija is poisoned, if you wait about 15 seconds, she's fine; no need for food?

Poison is like a temporary negative regeneration.  It does cause you to lose health. Of course, this damage can be offset with the jelly armor.
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Re: fourth spirit; possible spoilers
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2009, 08:14:22 pm »
Oh, wow, thanks, you guys! I went in and got the fourth spirit and freed Li. I went back out of the Body because I think I need to practice using the dual form. The spirits that were circling around me after I freed Li didn't stay after I saved; do I need them anymore? Do I have to go get them again?  I read that I need to have Li kill three nature briars to charge him up so Naija can scream, but I tried making some and he just looked at them; don't know how to get him to do that. I did practice absorbing bombs in the bubble cave with the crab thingie, and I could do it, but it doesn't charge up enough health. I will use that, though, in the body. I have 6 arcane poultices and five special bulbs (Spoiler: thanks to the sea nymph cave and the sea dragon and lots of patience) to make more; 8 legendary cakes and 5 rukh eggs to make more. I feel as if I am preparing for a seige of mortal warfare, moreso than in any part of the game before. After reading the walkthrough of the body I feel as if I need to study, like in school, not to pass a test, but to survive. Most of the time I would rather breeze by the baddies with my jelly on. You know how sometimes you just feel like blowing something up? Then I play Star Defender or Ricochet Infinity; mindless fast-moving pure spam with little skill; you're "in the zone", fully present in the moment, and thinking would just slow you down. The thing I love about Aquaria is that cunning and creativity (sideways thinking) play a much bigger part. It is so obviously a game made by two exceptionally bright, complex people who want to engage the heart as well as the mind (that's you, Alec). And the advice from this forum is key to any success I have had. Thanks for telling me you can't absorb the horror crab's missiles, SevenMass; I read somewhere how to kill them but I forgot. Just ignoring them for now. I read that you can just breeze past the chompers without engaging them, so I snuck by on the side in jelly plus shield form with no trouble to get the last spirit form; after no luck with briars (Spoiler: which worked great for getting through the knot of mutants in Mithalas, since I got nature before beast form) I was about to try fish form, which I used to use to get past the bright colored hedgehogs in the kelp forest (before I realized I could sing them out of the way), but I have the feeling that I would have been fish dinner for the chompers. Anyway I'm going to practice Dual form before going after the Creator. Thanks again for the support!
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Re: fourth spirit; possible spoilers
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2009, 01:32:12 pm »
I read that I need to have Li kill three nature briars to charge him up so Naija can scream,

No, dual from Li (not li hiself) needs to kill 3 beings to charge up.

The Nature form brairs can be used for this purpose, but I think arguments can be made that it wasn't the inteneded way of charging up. Also, if there are weak creatures around, why not make use of those, switching to nature form would just be combersume.

but I tried making some and he just looked at them; don't know how to get him to do that.

The dual forms don't have a rapid fire attack, they only have charged attacks. You'll need to hold the mouse button and release it once the charge is ready.

I did practice absorbing bombs in the bubble cave with the crab thingie, and I could do it, but it doesn't charge up enough health.

If you mean absorbing in spirit form, then those bombs, if i'm not mistaking, are one of the few missiles that can't be absorbed.

Try going to the open waters and absorb the missiles of those raspberry thingys and all the other energy shooters.

Do so after being damaged. After you absorb 5, your health bar will suddenly fill up a full hit point.

I have 6 arcane poultices and five special bulbs (Spoiler: thanks to the sea nymph cave and the sea dragon and lots of patience) to make more; 8 legendary cakes and 5 rukh eggs to make more. I feel as if I am preparing for a seige of mortal warfare, moreso than in any part of the game before.

I think you are overpreparing, the last area of the game is difficult, but it can be done without all that food.

After reading the walkthrough of the body I feel as if I need to study, like in school, not to pass a test, but to survive. Most of the time I would rather breeze by the baddies with my jelly on. You know how sometimes you just feel like blowing something up? Then I play Star Defender or Ricochet Infinity; mindless fast-moving pure spam with little skill; you're "in the zone", fully present in the moment, and thinking would just slow you down.

I'm not sure what walkthrough you've read but the main trick in the goundlet is to use screams against though enemies, and against large groups of enemies. (and there are some realy lare groups in there) Leaving relatively harmless enemeis alive is a nice way to be able to power up later (or you could use the brairs from natue form) This saves a lot of shooting.

I read somewhere how to kill them but I forgot.

It dies like any other mundane creature, you just shoot enough times, or scream, or you deflect his own missiles back to him with shield.
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Re: fourth spirit; possible spoilers
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2009, 07:12:22 pm »
I was failing to charge the Li-form shot; that's why he was just standing there (swimming there?); I like the briar charging deal because you can do it anywhere, and a far as it's not being the intended method, my motto is "use whatever works", something I practiced for years as an artist and art teacher.

It was the "reflecting back with shield" part I forgot with the big grey spiders.

 I used the spirit form absorbing thing with the green spiky balls in the body that shoot those bright yellow things it it worked well. Didn't realize you can't use it with the red bombs from the bubble cave crabby guy.

 I tried the scream in home waters and was showered with oil and meat.

Okay, I'm overprepared, but I've had my ass kicked so many times I just wanted to have all the ammunition I could, especially since I noticed that the save crystal in the first part of the body is a pain to get back to, and I didn't know if that was the case in the gauntlet as well; heck, I can't even find where it is; where I go next. The maps (Momruoy's) are not clear about that. I went between the smiley sun things and didn't find anything, and further down I am at a loss as to where to go.

It's rather fun to get overprepared, by the way, with special bulbs and rukh eggs; I'm so happy to have finally learned the wall-jumping thing up the east chimney in the veil. I just couldn't get it for the longest time. I have always enjoyed going on a food run; more exciting than shopping at Trader Joe's (don't think you have those in Holland).

 Also took me awhile to "get" the beast form eating schools of fish and minor enemies, but I think I have it down now.

 I found that the spirits do come back when you go back into the body.

I guess I don't want to get to the end of the game; I am stalling, because I haven't gotten the memories everyone else gets, just a white screen or dark blue time-stop thing, and I know Naija will tell me to go back and do it all again. The only place I haven't gone is the bubble on the top of the sun temple; can't do the briar-jumping thing with those backwards gears. I will be the last person on this forum to ever attempt a speed run, I can tell you!
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Re: fourth spirit; possible spoilers
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2009, 07:19:47 pm »
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Re: fourth spirit; possible spoilers
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2009, 10:16:36 pm »
Well, how sweet is that? I love having the save at the end of the gauntlet; I was thinking how I sure don't want to do that again right away. Spent half an hour; decided to scream those smiley suns away (enjoy the notion of killing sappy smiley faces anyway); at the end just got tired and swam past them with jelly and shield. I think Naija must have a heck of a sore throat! The best part is having a turtle to take you on a replenishing food run; thank you, thank you, Alec!

Okay, question: does the mutant costume do anything? Still missing two treasures; not sure which.
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Re: fourth spirit; possible spoilers
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2009, 05:41:44 am »
I've made it to the final boss twice and then got creamed. No time to charge up to scream with all the baddies coming at you! There are too many of them. How in the world do you blast the face in his chest in the split-second before the beam goes on? I have no trouble with the eye, but I can't get to the chest-face without dying. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I seem to need more help than anyone else, or the rest of you are all done and have moved on to more technical or interesting aspects of Aquaria... anyway, thanks especially to doctorpeter and SevenMass for putting up with my silly questions!
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Re: fourth spirit; possible spoilers
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2009, 06:46:47 am »
The chestface is a lot easier in Energy Form.  You can just lock onto it and spam Energy bullets when the screen starts to darken.  Hover about a screen's length away, and just over where the beam shoots out, you'll get it eventually.
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Re: fourth spirit; possible spoilers
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2009, 08:19:13 pm »
The abandon (smiley sun faces)  die with 2 screams, but get close enough.

Though it is probably easier if you just leave them.

The only thing I did notice, is that you can't harm that darn hardbeetle with screams. (I so wish you could)
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Re: fourth spirit; possible spoilers
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2009, 08:32:39 pm »
The chestface is a lot easier in Energy Form.  You can just lock onto it and spam Energy bullets when the screen starts to darken.  Hover about a screen's length away, and just over where the beam shoots out, you'll get it eventually.

Huh, I didn't know that it was possible to use energy form to kill him. How long does that take?

@Sindhi, the baddies that come out at you exist for the sole purpose of charging your scream, and (if I remember correctly) they will die once he shoots the beam, regardless of whether they touch it or not. What worked for me is to start screaming after his stomach opens, but before the head fully comes out. The scream should last long enough to damage him. Remember, you don't have to stay still while screaming, so you could use that time to get to safety. The bottom-right corner (between the screen and the boss) works for me, but be careful not to touch him.
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Re: fourth spirit; possible spoilers
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2009, 09:11:54 pm »
Okay, thank you, Zoko and everyone. There seem to be so many baddies it's hard for Li to kill them all and I find myself switching to energy form; feel like I'm playing catch-up.  I think I need some practice; just wish it didn't take so long to get to the last baddie. It's so great to have all this support!
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Re: fourth spirit; possible spoilers
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2009, 09:13:42 pm »
SevenMass, are you talking about the hardbeetle that gives divine soup? Sheesh, that takes longer than fighting most bosses!
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