Movies are passive. The beauty of this game is that you are the explorer and are discovering new worlds and creatures innocently, like a child; it is the ideal way to face the world, without baggage. Having no memories means that you are not a slave to the past, wasting time worrying about it. It is starting over, like Star Trek; to "seek out new worlds where no one has gone before", instead of being presented, being led, like movies and most games, and sometimes life if you view yourself as a victim. Aquaria celebrates living as a child; it gives you playful puzzles, like life; you learn to survive. If you die you get to start again (some believe life is like that too). Yes, there are manipulative parental presences, but they are not all one-note; they have depth and motivations. The Creator has feet of clay; well, don't we all? Aquaria's world is not all fluffy bunnies and new agey, but it's not all apocalyptic either. It's pregnant with possibilities; with magic. Like life.