Aquaria world seems very alive,but mostly its just a decoration.Ok,i love this game.I love artificial life concepts.Aquaria is not about artificial life.
There is some little species in the world of aquaria wich dont appear to be very interactive too.
But,finally,there IS an artificial life!
I dont know how to call those creatures,i call them shrimp.
Ok,the deal is that they can reproduce(by
eggs) and they
die of aging,though they dont need food to reproduce and to live,they dont suffer of predators,they arent balanced enough to keep their population smoothly still.
Сuriously enough that they feel best in whales stomach,though they reproduce anywhere.
They keep multiplying infinitely.

Im kinda late with this.I made this screenshot long ago,but i got problem with my Windows and reinstalled it(
curse you Conficker/Kido/Downadup !).
Use the slider to see whole image