This thread entered a little bit off-trails from its original subject, but... ain't complaining when the subject is OST

I have only seen one short theme - "note" for guitar here, but I guess it would be relatively easy for talented person to write down the notes by listening and writing 'em down... only problem is, that talented person is a ... quite rare sight.
if someone transcribed the soundtrack
my bad, this is what you meant, Nava. I made a wrong conclusion.
Off topic:
For soundtrack... [speculation warning] I guess one theory could be e-mailing customers (cheap way and I guess if retailer can help... but I guess there are problems with the current one...) and ask if they are interested... cut certain % off from that "I'm interested/certain to buy" amount (not ordering anyway) + count hardcores and just estimate suitable amount for OST... But so far that is, sadly, pure work without compensation. How about producer, remainders, price and commissions?
Briefly, lots of financial things to consider for developer who has more projects and more expenditure due them. So as a commoner I can imagine it's not too easy to produce OST, even if you have will to do it.
I think the OST would be in a physical form, not in digital. I really delighted when the developers talked about illustration booklet and extra piano tracks...
(Just found out this topic for OST discussion, which is active... missed /didnt remember this...
This is true. I have heard one of the new (though still unfinished) songs and it is spectacular. I hope Alec finds that it would be financially viable to move forward with this project some day, because it would be very exciting to have a collection of his music available for purchase on disc. I'd buy it
Me too. Nice to hear this from a "reliable" source