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Author Topic: cant' go further Mithalas Cathedral Help  (Read 16833 times)

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cant' go further Mithalas Cathedral Help
« on: April 10, 2009, 10:44:08 am »
I'm stuck in Mythalas CAthedral 1 Area17

after killing the second jelly monster, on far right I take the current down in the bloody tunnel

I am blocked by several poisoined frogs i cant' kill them, i cant go back the stream is too hard

I cant go further

I cant find the third jelly monster because it's blocked by the pink monsterized lines

any help welcome !

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: cant' go further Mithalas Cathedral Help
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2009, 10:58:34 am »
Poisoned 'frogs' can be bound like rocks, maybe that will help.
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Re: cant' go further Mithalas Cathedral Help
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2009, 08:35:29 pm »
I guess I did it the Xena way; nature form and her trusty spikes cleared a path quickly.
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Offline Kailieann

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Re: cant' go further Mithalas Cathedral Help
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2009, 09:32:00 pm »
Technically you're not supposed to have the Nature form before you get the Beast form.

But that's never stopped anyone.

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Re: cant' go further Mithalas Cathedral Help
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2009, 10:46:44 pm »
Technically you're not supposed to have the Nature form before you get the Beast form.

But that's never stopped anyone.
I think it is more handy to have Beast first, but the game itself holds it open. You can go for Nature first if you like (but it's harder). ;)
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Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: cant' go further Mithalas Cathedral Help
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2009, 10:01:45 am »
In fact, before you go into the next area when having defeated the big 3 eye blobs and go into another area close by (with a save crystal) it's even said that you can go visit another place first.
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Offline Sindhi

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Re: cant' go further Mithalas Cathedral Help
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2009, 11:26:52 pm »
Huh? There's another place between the blobs and the prince? How do you get in there without beast or spirit form? It's pretty fast now getting past the blobs; they die really fast now, but I still can't defeat the prince monster; can't get him to make mermen unless I'm there with Li and then I can't bind them. Sorry, you guys are just too subtle with your hints, or I am just too obtuse!
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Offline SevenMass

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Re: cant' go further Mithalas Cathedral Help
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2009, 04:16:03 pm »
Huh? There's another place between the blobs and the prince? How do you get in there without beast or spirit form? It's pretty fast now getting past the blobs; they die really fast now, but I still can't defeat the prince monster; can't get him to make mermen unless I'm there with Li and then I can't bind them. Sorry, you guys are just too subtle with your hints, or I am just too obtuse!

Actually, I find your post very confusing.

The way it is supposed to go:
You enter the Cathedral.
You defeat all 3 mini-bosses, (blobs with big eyes) this unlocks the next area.
you move to the next area, the one with all the powerful currents of water.
you move to the big boss area, where you fight Mithalas. (the big boss of this area)

Alphasoldier mentioned that there is a very small diversion, a second entrance to the area with the water currents, but this leads to a room that is not connected to the rest of the area, the only way to continue is to leave this room the same way you entered and enter the water currents area via the big mouth, after defeating the 3 eye-blobs mini-bosses.

Also, there is a certain place in the cathedral, where Najia mentions that she could explore elsewhere before going back. This is to hint to the player that you can, for example, get nature form first. Though the most canon way to play Aquaria is to get beast form first.

You are not supposed to get Li before beast form, while it is possible via tricks such as penis rocketing, nobody expects new players to be able to pull of such tricks. If you are that advanced, you shouldn't be needing our help.

Spirit form is in the area before you fight the eye-blobs. And you must reach it via the city.

So I'm getting the idea we are not talking about the same thing.
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Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: cant' go further Mithalas Cathedral Help
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2009, 07:42:16 pm »
Alphasoldier mentioned that there is a very small diversion, a second entrance to the area with the water currents, but this leads to a room that is not connected to the rest of the area, the only way to continue is to leave this room the same way you entered and enter the water currents area via the big mouth, after defeating the 3 eye-blobs mini-bosses.

Also, there is a certain place in the cathedral, where Najia mentions that she could explore elsewhere before going back. This is to hint to the player that you can, for example, get nature form first. Though the most canon way to play Aquaria is to get beast form first.
The two lines above are one and the same thing.
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Offline Sindhi

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Re: cant' go further Mithalas Cathedral Help
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2009, 11:37:19 pm »
I'm not advanced at all, just lucky I guess. I read a couple of posts about riding Ekkrit up to the veil and played with that. He doesn't really dance, he just tries to shake you off, but eventually he will take you up the current if you are patient. Okay, I got tired of not killing the prince, did something else (the veil) and now I have all this cool stuff and I don't want to lose it so I dragged poor Li along to watch me kill the prince. Unfortunately he keeps killing the mermen before I can poison them, and even if I do poison them and leave them by the prince, he won't eat them. Or they escape down the tunnel, or some other thing. They disappear quick. My pet nails some of them. Any way to turn off Li and the pet from the energy temple? Should I use the nautilis let instead (not as deadly)?

I thought I needed beast form to get spirit form; don't I go up the current with the treasure on the far left and the two blue crystals on either side to get spirit form? Can I get it some other way? I've been at all the save crystals in the orange blobby tunnels and have managed to go around more than once sometimes; the song plant seems to keep changing colors and locations (with the arcane poultice) but I have managed to get four of them before I meet the prince (two from special bulbs in the Kelp Forest) so I am sort of attached to nailing the prince with Li, several treasures, and four arcane poultices if there is a way to do it. Didn't know I wasn't supposed to have nature form; it was way easier than the prince. So, I am inventive and generally a pirate and a rebel but I am not really a gamer and I will take all the help I can get. My usual game is, like, Chocolatier.
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Offline Kailieann

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Re: cant' go further Mithalas Cathedral Help
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2009, 02:18:15 am »
To make Li stop attacking: Sing his song
To deactivate your pet: Go to the pet page of the menu screen and select it

For Mithala, you must lure the mermen into the poison so that they become armored mermen, then use the bind song to drag them into place. Then keep blasting Mithala with the energy form in order to push him back, which will cause him to inhale.

The rest should take care of itself from there.

Offline Sindhi

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Re: cant' go further Mithalas Cathedral Help
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2009, 08:28:35 pm »
Oh, it's the getting him to inhale part I missed-- thank you; just though he'd already had lunch. Will sing Li's song and de-select the pet. Thank you sooooooooo much!
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Offline Sindhi

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Re: cant' go further Mithalas Cathedral Help
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2009, 12:51:23 am »
kailean, that was what I needed to hear; super easy after your advice; got beast and then spirit. Thanks for the help!!! Now I have FIVE arcane poultices, yahoo!!! And Naija in beast can leap out of the water and fly high. I love playing in the veil and leaping out of the warm saltwater. I believe we used to know how to fly and just forgot.
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