Hi, I just reg. to post this.
I would buy this as well. This is by far, one of the best, if not the best, 2D game I have played to date. Much love went in to this. Thank you! We switched to Ubuntu a while ago. We are not planning on going back to Windows. A suggestion: Ubuntu has it's own "Software Store" - inside - of Ubuntu. Why not contact the Ubuntu ppl and let this pearl find it's way in to that system? Ubuntu announced that there will be a "free software" section (that is already there) and in future a "commercial software" category as well. I think of it like "steam", just better. You can find anything you want, out of ONE place - awesome.
Anyway, just a suggestion. I know about 8-12 ppl that would buy this for Ubuntu/Linux, if it gets a decent port.
Thanks for the great game, keep it up!