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Offline Lady-Succubus

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Re: Adult Mod, 18+ only!
« Reply #90 on: June 14, 2010, 05:55:00 am »
and she seems like the kind of person whose angry voice would be extremely formal and precise
Sounds like me. Maybe there was a reason why I felt like I could relate to Naija so well. :3

I believe the narration is being provided by her spirit after her son's birth and probably after Li has left on his flying boat thingy. She is inside one of those blue spirit crystal thingies (like on the main menu), isn't she?
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Offline Inyssius

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Re: Adult Mod, 18+ only!
« Reply #91 on: June 14, 2010, 07:01:06 am »
and she seems like the kind of person whose angry voice would be extremely formal and precise
Sounds like me. Maybe there was a reason why I felt like I could relate to Naija so well. :3

I believe the narration is being provided by her spirit after her son's birth and probably after Li has left on his flying boat thingy. She is inside one of those blue spirit crystal thingies (like on the main menu), isn't she?

Oh, indeed. Depending on your definition of "she", of course, since although there had to be most of her memories and some semblance of her consciousness in there, Mia had plans for some significant percentage of her (starting with the bit of her id that really likes eating monsters raw and setting the wildlife on fire  ^-^).

Offline Bart_Hibbs

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Re: Adult Mod, 18+ only!
« Reply #92 on: August 04, 2010, 07:28:03 am »
Tried it, but Im on a Mac, so I do not get to see it. I think the issue is the Mac version from ambrosia is 1.1.0. Oh well....

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Adult Mod, 18+ only!
« Reply #93 on: August 04, 2010, 08:34:23 am »
Not sure how I could fix it for Macs, I haven o clue how their file hierarchy works, or if it's just the image files that need to be converted to another form than tga.
Even though I'm usually very anti-Mac (this only adding up to it) I'd love to fix it if I knew how.
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Offline Bart_Hibbs

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Re: Adult Mod, 18+ only!
« Reply #94 on: August 04, 2010, 03:28:37 pm »
I decided to take a look and try and see just what was different, and quickly figured out how to make it work on my Mac.
On a Mac an application is actually a special folder called a package, which you got to open using the secondary click. (For those with a two button mouse, its the right click, on my MacBook Pro, its 2 fingers on the track pad.)
In the package is a folder "contents" and in there a folder "Resources" and in there a folder "gfx".
In the gfx folder there are a large number of .png files and more folders, including folders "LI" and "Naija"

What I first did, and did not work was replace the Li and Naija folders with those from the Mod. The result was a Naija that was all little white squares. Reason: The original Naija folder contained many more .png files than are included in the Mod, so I lost most of them. Oddly the game did not use the few that were in the folder, it replaced all body parts with white squares.

What works: Copy over just the .png files from the Naija folder provided with the Mod to the Naija folder in the package, which changes just a few of the .png files, leaving the rest unchanged and in place.

Fortunately I had saved the original Naija and Li folders before doing it wrong, so recovery was easy.

Offline LoneTiger

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Re: Adult Mod, 18+ only!
« Reply #95 on: September 09, 2010, 03:32:42 am »
If I remember correctly, we were thinking she'd be 16-18 -ish.

Of course, we weren't planning on people making nude mods. :)

Oh you poor little innocent man...
Oh the humanity...

j/k   :D

Offline mannon

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Re: Adult Mod, 18+ only!
« Reply #96 on: February 01, 2011, 03:26:34 pm »
I just got Aquaria as part of the Humble Bundle during the holidays. I didn't get around to trying it out as I was out of town for a month and hadn't even heard of it before. I mainly got the bundle because of Osmos and Cortex Command, so Aquaria was a bonus. Turns out this quaint little game is one of my favorites! It reminds me of Ecco the Dolphin, only with more to actually do and interact with. (Though I actually liked Ecco. *shrug*) I actually wish I had paid more for the Humble Bundle than I did, but I paid what I could at the time. Fortunately I can pay more later, and intend to. All of the developers seem to have produced some very nice games, and I am a fan of the Child's Play charity as well.

As for nude mods... Well the first one I ever found was way back when in ye olde days of yore. I happened across a nude mod for Daggerfall. Me being at the time just a teen of course I originally got it for it's psudo pr0n nature, even though all it really did anyway was replace your character's unclothed graphics which were pretty much only used in some UI screens like inventory. heh (Though there were actually a few pixelly naked NPC's in the game as well, no mod needed. heh) Once I started using it, however, something really odd happened. I just grew to really appreciate it from more of an immersion and role playing standpoint, and just because it was nice... rather than erotic. In fact it actually was the seed that started me essentially roleplaying in what was a completely single player game. Yet there I was deliberately organizing my piles of stolen clothing into a decent wardrobe that I could get through and change clothes for specific roles. I would go all dark and menacing for my thieving, armor up good for the dungeon crawls, and for going about town I would put together elaborate outfits and try to do something different nearly every day as I sold shops their wares back to them and tried to act like I wasn't robbing them all blind every night. heh I went so far as to not only dress for bed each night, but to make sure I actually got onto the bed and slept on it. It made the game more fun than just min/maxing all my stats. It actually felt like I was a real character in the game world, and a large part of that was due to no longer having the unrealistic limitation on nudity. And yet I did not simply walk around naked all the time just to admire my nakedness. heh

Anyway, I've been an admirer of nude mods ever since, though particularly for RPG's. I admire the work that's gone into this and thank you for it. I'm just about to try it out.

I don't think the character's appearance will bother me, as it seems to bother others. I'm rather used to Japanese anime and manga where women are often drawn utilizing many visual attributes of prepubescence. This is done not to indicate age, but merely to make them cuter. It is just a stylistic choice. Personally I would be troubled if the nude versions were modified to appear more mature rather than making them match the game's art as closely as possible. Though I would not mind if a separate version were created for people who would prefer it.

I was wondering one thing... Though I suppose it isn't possible or would be extremely difficult. I was wondering if it might be possible to create a mod using these in which you could play the entire game and still acquire all of the normal costumes, but also be able to have the nude versions and the ability to switch between them in game as additional costumes. I suspect that it isn't actually possible to do this, which is unfortunate. As I have not yet played through the entire game I am still quite eager to see all of the costumes and wear them, but also eager to enjoy this mod. Unfortunately I have to choose between them. I suppose I will play for a while as nude then switch back for a while, and so forth. I would really LOVE to be able to decide whether to wear clothes or not actually in the game, though.

At a guess even if it is possible it would likely be a lot of work, and I'm guessing that there's not much work going into the mode anymore. Still, though... I just thought I would bring it up.

Anyway, once again, thank you very much. I'm going to go enjoy your mod now. ;3

Offline mannon

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Re: Adult Mod, 18+ only!
« Reply #97 on: February 01, 2011, 04:33:32 pm »
Okay tried it, and love it.

I still want to see the original costumes at some point, but I can wait. I think I'm going to keep this on for a while before I switch.

As an aquatic being it actually feels a bit more natural to me. Somehow clothing underwater just doesn't make a lot of logical sense to me. Armor of course would, but I rather like this. I don't really see any need to adhere to human ideals of modesty. ;p
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 04:36:58 pm by mannon »

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Adult Mod, 18+ only!
« Reply #98 on: February 01, 2011, 07:52:11 pm »
Your comment's more than appreciated.

At a certain time I also wondered if I could actually make some kind of in-menu undress button, or something alike, but my lack of knowledge never really allowed me to do that, so it never happened.
It could perhaps be done through some kind of treasure, but that'd be even more complicated, though would look a lot nicer.

Sadly enough, unless this game somehow got super popular again with modders and gets a big community I don't think anything of the like is going to happen, sorry. :c
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Offline mannon

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Re: Adult Mod, 18+ only!
« Reply #99 on: February 02, 2011, 08:15:16 am »
Yeah I was wondering about the possibility of doing it via treasures like the game already does for changing outfits, though I don't know if that would work for her other forms. Of course you would also have to add in each of those treasures for the player to get, though I suppose they could just get them at the same time as they get the regular costumes and you could just plunk down the treasures for the forms wherever the songs are learned or something. But just getting as far as even making the treasures all actually work is way beyond me. I haven't even looked into the modding yet. I don't want to spoil the game when I've barely played it. ;p I did that with Morrowind. >,> Got so into mods and modding that I never really played it because I never quite got the game playing the way I wanted it to play. I just sort of gave up on the project.

Maybe if I get further into the game I'll at least peak at some of the modding stuff. Though I also kinda worry if there is some hardcoded upper limit on number of treasures or costumes that might also be a problem. I really haven't a clue. Thanks again for the mod, though. Frankly I think it's beautiful. The art isn't some lewd porn version of the game, but actually seems to fit quite well with the game's aesthetics IMO.

Offline everfreeDragon

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Re: Adult Mod, 18+ only!
« Reply #100 on: December 07, 2011, 12:23:28 am »
Not that I wish to be rude or anything but is there some chance of a more sfw version of this mod?

I downloaded it with the intention of using it for editing her sprites, while the mod works well enough for this I keep getting a paranoid feeling a family member could walk in and get the wrong idea.

If such a version does not exist and you have no intentions of creating one I won't bother you about it again. Either way I have enjoyed what this mod has allowed and thank you for making it.

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Adult Mod, 18+ only!
« Reply #101 on: January 05, 2012, 03:36:56 pm »
My first two version of the mod had a "PG" form in it, but it only applied to the main costume, eventually I gave the rest of the costumes the same overhaul.

I still have the PSD, but due to my own stupidity (something that keeps happening to me), I put the brightness of the crotch on the same layer as the base sprite, which would require quite some work to return it to it's original PG state.
The nips and actual slit however I put on another layer.

If you really want it badly and are still playing the game I'll see if I can do something about this, otherwise I'd rather let it be. It's been too long since I made this. 21 now, wasn't even 18 back then.
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Offline evilbiscuit

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404 page not found!
« Reply #102 on: September 28, 2015, 06:24:59 pm »

The download link seems to be broken  :( . Could anyone be so kind and re upload this mod  ;) .

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Re: Adult Mod, 18+ only!
« Reply #103 on: September 29, 2015, 02:36:06 am »
From the downloader: http://fg.wzff.de/aqmods/nudemod.aqmod, rename to zip and open it.
Not the original archive/directory structure (seems i lost it), but the files are unchanged.

Offline evilbiscuit

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Re: Adult Mod, 18+ only!
« Reply #104 on: October 04, 2015, 02:47:03 pm »
Downloaded it and everything works fine. Thanks alot for the help. By the way great mod :-)