I just got Aquaria as part of the Humble Bundle during the holidays. I didn't get around to trying it out as I was out of town for a month and hadn't even heard of it before. I mainly got the bundle because of Osmos and Cortex Command, so Aquaria was a bonus. Turns out this quaint little game is one of my favorites! It reminds me of Ecco the Dolphin, only with more to actually do and interact with. (Though I actually liked Ecco. *shrug*) I actually wish I had paid more for the Humble Bundle than I did, but I paid what I could at the time. Fortunately I can pay more later, and intend to. All of the developers seem to have produced some very nice games, and I am a fan of the Child's Play charity as well.
As for nude mods... Well the first one I ever found was way back when in ye olde days of yore. I happened across a nude mod for Daggerfall. Me being at the time just a teen of course I originally got it for it's psudo pr0n nature, even though all it really did anyway was replace your character's unclothed graphics which were pretty much only used in some UI screens like inventory. heh (Though there were actually a few pixelly naked NPC's in the game as well, no mod needed. heh) Once I started using it, however, something really odd happened. I just grew to really appreciate it from more of an immersion and role playing standpoint, and just because it was nice... rather than erotic. In fact it actually was the seed that started me essentially roleplaying in what was a completely single player game. Yet there I was deliberately organizing my piles of stolen clothing into a decent wardrobe that I could get through and change clothes for specific roles. I would go all dark and menacing for my thieving, armor up good for the dungeon crawls, and for going about town I would put together elaborate outfits and try to do something different nearly every day as I sold shops their wares back to them and tried to act like I wasn't robbing them all blind every night. heh I went so far as to not only dress for bed each night, but to make sure I actually got onto the bed and slept on it. It made the game more fun than just min/maxing all my stats. It actually felt like I was a real character in the game world, and a large part of that was due to no longer having the unrealistic limitation on nudity. And yet I did not simply walk around naked all the time just to admire my nakedness. heh
Anyway, I've been an admirer of nude mods ever since, though particularly for RPG's. I admire the work that's gone into this and thank you for it. I'm just about to try it out.
I don't think the character's appearance will bother me, as it seems to bother others. I'm rather used to Japanese anime and manga where women are often drawn utilizing many visual attributes of prepubescence. This is done not to indicate age, but merely to make them cuter. It is just a stylistic choice. Personally I would be troubled if the nude versions were modified to appear more mature rather than making them match the game's art as closely as possible. Though I would not mind if a separate version were created for people who would prefer it.
I was wondering one thing... Though I suppose it isn't possible or would be extremely difficult. I was wondering if it might be possible to create a mod using these in which you could play the entire game and still acquire all of the normal costumes, but also be able to have the nude versions and the ability to switch between them in game as additional costumes. I suspect that it isn't actually possible to do this, which is unfortunate. As I have not yet played through the entire game I am still quite eager to see all of the costumes and wear them, but also eager to enjoy this mod. Unfortunately I have to choose between them. I suppose I will play for a while as nude then switch back for a while, and so forth. I would really LOVE to be able to decide whether to wear clothes or not actually in the game, though.
At a guess even if it is possible it would likely be a lot of work, and I'm guessing that there's not much work going into the mode anymore. Still, though... I just thought I would bring it up.
Anyway, once again, thank you very much. I'm going to go enjoy your mod now. ;3