Hey, I have fish form and just got nature (four tries, 8 bowls of divine soup and turtle soup, kept going around at the end trying to figure out what to do and then got smart, went energy and used a volcano roll to blast everybody) but I can't get home now; defences low, just want to zoom to the turtle. Those little sea urchin type creatures are buggers to manipulate around even in fish form, and nature form seems to be no help either. I thought nature form got you past the thorny vines; guess not. I keep going around in circles, getting progressively weaker. When will I learn to use the teleporter blue balls? Beam me up, Scotty. Any advice geatly appreciated; feel like I'm seriously out of my league. I'm used to stuff like Chocolatier 2. Love this game, though; totally addicted and telling everyone I know.