Thanks for the encouragement!
Zeke: For now, I'm just showing that the work exists, but if people want spoilers, I don't mind making a link to most of what's in the text file.
Chibi: Yeah, it's a very rough map. Right now, it's only meant to show where the various areas are and the general ideas for transitions between them. Huge open areas with abrupt connections can be very boring and hard to get your bearings in. I ran into that problem when I tried making a large Morrowind mod off the top of my head several years ago. And about the sealoaf:
There's a sort-of obscure hint on the map about this, and I have ideas on how to work it in throughout the game. >_>
I might work the leaf poultice in, too, now that you mention it, but the pierogi will remain the player character.
Hiro: It will be the usual silent protagonist, but it can "sing" by pulsating at the appropriate frequencies. (Yes, pierogi are that awesome, and yes, I've given certain aspects of this mod more thought than they deserve.) There's one map I'll definitely be reusing, so thank you very much for making that easy to transfer! My thought was to have most of it in a separate (but similar) region of Aquaria since exploration was another great thing about the original game. As a result, though, I'll probably need help when it comes to adding detail to the world. I'm neither a Bit nor a Blot!

(Great smiley, by the way.)