Maybe some have noticed, but the wiki appears to be down. It got a lot of spam, and I deleted it. I also switched the server to use the latest version of PHP as a blanket precaution against intrusion, and now it's not loading anymore. I intend to update to the most recent version of MediaWiki, and also look into what antispam provisions I can put up.
Unfortunately, I'm quite busy right now, and I need to know how urgent it is that I fix things. Was anyone even still using it?
I was using it pretty extensively... but I still am, so don't hurry on my account!

I've tested it on IE8.0.76, Firefox 4.0, and Safari 5.0.4--it seems to be working just fine in all of them. It's not just loading cached pages, either; I've tried loading pages I hadn't visited before and clearing my cache, and neither managed to break the site on my end. Down For Everyone Or Just Me doesn't see any problems with it either.
--Ah! I see the problem! It doesn't work at all
if you're logged in! I created an account to test if the edit functionality still worked, and found to my surprise that not only could I not make edits, I couldn't load any pages at all. It just kept giving me the same error message:
Warning: Parameter 2 to Parser::parse() expected to be a reference, value given in /f2/aquariawiki/public/wiki/includes/StubObject.php on line 58
Fatal error: Call to a member function getCacheTime() on a non-object in /f2/aquariawiki/public/wiki/includes/Article.php on line 3387
... but then I hit the back button, logged out, and was again able to access the wiki without difficulty.
Fortunately, this is not exactly a pressing issue. No one has made any
changes to the wiki in over nine months, so clearly anyone else who's been using it has been using it solely as a reference. Of course, I'm not counting all of your diligent spam management work in that... but since the edit function is members-only and being logged in breaks the site, no one can
add spam to it, so it seems you don't even need to do that anymore!