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Author Topic: One thing I would've loved to see...a "boss rush" mode.  (Read 37952 times)

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Offline Titch

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Re: One thing I would've loved to see...a "boss rush" mode.
« Reply #30 on: January 19, 2009, 01:24:48 pm »
I didn't have that much trouble with the Gauntlet. I build up my Dual form scream in safer spots where I could one shot enemies and then just ran away from everything else until I got to the barrier thing. Rinse and repeat.

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Re: One thing I would've loved to see...a "boss rush" mode.
« Reply #31 on: January 19, 2009, 03:14:19 pm »
lol. That's pretty much the way to do it. Usually, if go in guns a-blazing, you get your a$$ handed to you. If you have the jellyfish armor, it really becomes a LONG endurance test.
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Re: One thing I would've loved to see...a "boss rush" mode.
« Reply #32 on: January 19, 2009, 05:03:48 pm »
The gauntlet was pure action. I was always pushing forward, shooting everything down and wondering why I am still alive. I haven't died in it, but at the end my mouse-hand was aching a lot. ;)
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Offline Chibi

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Re: One thing I would've loved to see...a "boss rush" mode.
« Reply #33 on: January 19, 2009, 06:52:48 pm »
Same here, Xiagan. I never looked at the map, and made it all the way and into the next map before I realized that I had missed the mutant armor treasure.  >:(  :) I had to backtrack through the field of nautiluses, evil smilies, and mutants.

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Offline silverflagon

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Re: One thing I would've loved to see...a "boss rush" mode.
« Reply #34 on: January 19, 2009, 09:06:38 pm »
And here Xiagan :D I haven't died in it but until this time I have never stopped for anything but the Mutant armour, but this time I did keep swimming back a bit for a breather and so I could rest my hand. ::)

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Offline Edwards

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Re: One thing I would've loved to see...a "boss rush" mode.
« Reply #35 on: January 22, 2009, 03:25:40 am »
I think I died the first time I attempted the Gauntlet, but after that, it wasn't too hard (although on my first successful attempt I went a bit too fast, and ended up burning a few healing items, and barely making it to the far end.  However, the next time through (I missed the mutant armor, of course) it was just a bit of excitement.  I think the extra several hours of running around the world looking for treasure, and not bothering with killing things or shielding, made me a bit better at dodging.

(fighting Nautilus Prime in the dark anyone XD)
Especially since you wouldn't be able to use the Sun Form, due to needing to shoot NP.  Would it be worse to give the player the Dumbo pet, or to just put a scattering of those lamp jellies in the arena?

I was thinking for Boss Rush mode you could almost have a package of upgrades between big bosses. Like after beating Mithala you automatically get a health upgrade/pet or something. Fighting the final boss with only half the max health bar would be no picnic.
I'd been thinking that you could give the player full health from the start, and give them pets, etc. after beating the appropriate minibosses.

I know its possible to give form songs to people with nodes. And I'm sure Edwards could come up with a way to make a timer go between maps.
I made sure I had one before I even posted that.  It just takes one flag, and either a handful of nodes or some additions to the boss scripts.

I mean, all you have to do is make each boss map link on to the next one when you win. Although you'd have to edit the boss AI script for that since its the script that fires when the boss dies not a node (note: you'd want to cut out the story sequences the show after some of the bosses I think. ...
Agreed about editing out the cutscenes, but warping into and out of maps could probably be done fairly easily.  For warping in, just move the entrance warp node to just before the boss (or place a naijastart node just before the boss, and use loadMap).  For warping out, just change where the existing exit warp node leads, or add a new one, whichever is more appropriate for that boss.

My only concern is how to do the optional bosses.  Should they be placed in some random or predetermined order, or should the player be allowed to choose when to face them?

- Edwards
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Re: One thing I would've loved to see...a "boss rush" mode.
« Reply #36 on: January 22, 2009, 08:34:57 am »
Haha. This is giving me great ideas for a new NP arena.. but in the dark. >:D
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Offline Chibi

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Re: One thing I would've loved to see...a "boss rush" mode.
« Reply #37 on: January 22, 2009, 05:18:29 pm »
When can we expect you to inflict it upon us?  :)

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Re: One thing I would've loved to see...a "boss rush" mode.
« Reply #38 on: January 24, 2009, 09:51:47 am »
Oh lets see... A few days? Depending on how motivated I am to work on it.
To be honest at this exact moment I'm not feeling too hot. But I do have an arena of sorts that it could be interesting to use... scary Mithalas city in the dark anyone?  >:D
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Offline Zeke

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Re: One thing I would've loved to see...a "boss rush" mode.
« Reply #39 on: January 24, 2009, 10:03:14 am »
Oh man.  Mithalas was my second least favorite area, simply because I was always bumping into crap.   Stupid trunkhaus.

That and those stupid thingies that chuck water balloons at you that bounce FOREVER

Offline silverflagon

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Re: One thing I would've loved to see...a "boss rush" mode.
« Reply #40 on: January 24, 2009, 08:10:36 pm »
Oh man.  Mithalas was my second least favorite area, simply because I was always bumping into crap.   Stupid trunkhaus.

That and those stupid thingies that chuck water balloons at you that bounce FOREVER
Water ballooons, are you still talking about Aquaria Zeke?

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Offline silverflagon

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Re: One thing I would've loved to see...a "boss rush" mode.
« Reply #41 on: January 24, 2009, 08:12:40 pm »
Oh and Zeke, use beast form on those creatures and do get those life giving leaches from the top left house, then all of a sudden Mythalas is childs play

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Offline Hiro

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Re: One thing I would've loved to see...a "boss rush" mode.
« Reply #42 on: January 25, 2009, 01:07:56 am »
Oh man, I rather liked Mithalas. The song is so nice and sad and regal sounding and stuff.  ^-^

So does you hating Mithalas make it a better or worse arena?  >:D
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Offline Zeke

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Re: One thing I would've loved to see...a "boss rush" mode.
« Reply #43 on: January 25, 2009, 06:42:52 am »
Silver, by water balloons I mean the round blue projectiles that the 'toads' shoot at you (they don't really look like toads, they perch on houses and are black-ish) that bounce off of surfaces.  I never really was a fan of using beast form because none of the foes' shots were auto-targeting, and since I was using a gamepad, spamming with energy form was always more expedient.

It's not that that Mithalas area was hard per se, it was just annoying as hell.  The way the houses are arranged, on a central stem that is sometimes solid and sometimes not (my dim LCD screen makes it a little harder to differentiate than it should be) was tricky, almost as bad as all those blasted mushrooms in the open waters earlier on.  I tend to cruise along the walls while I'm swimming, and the houses kept encroaching closer and closer to the walls so I'd accidentally cling to it while jetting along.  I never got into wall-boosting as a means of travel, so that was kind of obnoxious to me. 

Hiro:  using any area that is more cragulated as an arena basis will be more difficult than one with smooth walls, I would think.  Anything like the large mushroom projections in the open waters, Mithalas houses, and Arnassi statues will delightfully complicate any combat situation. 

For double the fun, don't give any visual cues (dimming of the item, foreground/background placement) to indicate which ones are solid and which aren't!  You could do all sorts of fun/cruel things by turning an arena into a veritable house of mirrors with solid and non-solid, foreground and background terrain objects. 

Sudden death round?  Random bubbles of air (like bubbles of water in the ice veil) to throw off speed and steering, even more than currents.   ^-^

Oh, and don't forget to use loads of those mechanical crabs from the sun temple that shoot a crap-ton of purple tracer-shots at you, as well as the spiky plant dealies from the kelp forest that shoot three pink darts that follow you eternally.  Having a cloud of tracer fire perpetually on your ass is good for getting the adrenaline going, regardless of whether your form is locked or not.  If you're stuck in one form, no shield spell for you.  If you can use the shield spell, that adds another element of strategy; "Do I want to hotkey into normal form, call up the shield, and try and bounce all these shots into my several hotly pursuing mutiluses, or do I stay in energy and hope to dodge while spitting out as much firepower as possible?"   



Mua ha ha.   >: D
« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 06:55:44 am by Zeke »

Offline silverflagon

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Re: One thing I would've loved to see...a "boss rush" mode.
« Reply #44 on: January 25, 2009, 03:10:57 pm »
Silver, by water balloons I mean the round blue projectiles that the 'toads' shoot at you (they don't really look like toads, they perch on houses and are black-ish) that bounce off of surfaces.  I never really was a fan of using beast form because none of the foes' shots were auto-targeting, and since I was using a gamepad, spamming with energy form was always more expedient.

Oh I don't mean shooting them, I use beast form to eat them all it works far better than spamming shots with Energy form and with those lovely little leaches they don't stand a cat in hell's chance lol

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