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Offline thomasareed

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Extremely frustrated!
« on: January 09, 2009, 11:14:28 pm »
This is a very cool, original game, and has been a lot of fun.  The problem is that some of the bosses are just too hard.  I've repeatedly fought some of them and finally won, but after hours of trying I'm still unable to beat the jellyfish boss in the Abyss and the "Simon says" boss in the Kelp Forest.  I have every form (unless there's a #8 form, which is the only number key I haven't found a use for), and I've used up loads of foods in the jellyfish battle, but still can't win, even after looking up spoilers on how to beat it.  And Simon is something that I *know* I won't be able to beat without spending hours and just getting lucky.  Smashing your head against a wall repeatedly, hoping to get lucky enough to come away conscious, isn't my idea of fun.  This is why games need to either have adjustable difficulty or cheats!

Does anyone have any idea how I can beat these things?  I'm even willing to do some editing of map files or something at this point, but I can't decipher the numbers in the maps.

Offline silverflagon

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Re: Extremely frustrated!
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2009, 12:15:15 am »
ok try this; spoilerFirst get aquainted with the shortcut keys for beast, energy form and the cooking pots, that is in order 3 for beast, 2 for energy and Esc for the cooking pots, and I mean really get aquainted with them so you can swop between them without thinking almost.
Then use beast to eat the pink jellies as often as possible, feed her one of the powerup foods for energy forms weapon and then spam the gap below the centre core of jelly prime. Keep swopping these forms as the pink jellies appear and beast eats them, and remember that you need to get as many shots through that gap as possible to kill him.

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Offline Align

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Re: Extremely frustrated!
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2009, 01:04:55 am »
The small jellies heal you when you eat them, so if you just stay in beast form until you're at or near full health that battle should be cake, if a bit drawn out and tedious.

Offline thomasareed

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Re: Extremely frustrated!
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2009, 01:47:29 am »
Yup, I've tried that stuff already.  I just can't seem to get it right.  Last time I tried, I used something like 4 arcane poultices, several energy powerups, a sharkfin soup, some speed powerups, a regen, a defense, ate a whole bunch of jellies and still died before I could kill the darn thing.  AND I had a pet and Li to help me out.  It ceases to be fun when the only option is to just keep trying and hope to get lucky.

ok try this; spoilerFirst get aquainted with the shortcut keys for beast, energy form and the cooking pots, that is in order 3 for beast, 2 for energy and Esc for the cooking pots, and I mean really get aquainted with them so you can swop between them without thinking almost.
Then use beast to eat the pink jellies as often as possible, feed her one of the powerup foods for energy forms weapon and then spam the gap below the centre core of jelly prime. Keep swopping these forms as the pink jellies appear and beast eats them, and remember that you need to get as many shots through that gap as possible to kill him.

Offline Align

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Re: Extremely frustrated!
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2009, 01:50:24 am »
Well, how exactly are you going at it?

Eat jellyfish, wait for royals lightning to start charging, stay away from where it's going to appear, ready to swim clockwise along with the lightning, then dash in the other direction as it turns, switch form and fire a charged burst, repeat.

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Re: Extremely frustrated!
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2009, 02:30:25 am »
Smashing your head against a wall repeatedly, hoping to get lucky enough to come away conscious, isn't my idea of fun.  This is why games need to either have adjustable difficulty or cheats!

These are "bonus" bosses that were made more difficult to challenge people who want the challenge, but they're not crucial to the completion of the game, nor are they part of the storyline really. I know that some people who've played it never bothered with King Jelly.... he is a tricky boss, I'm not even sure how I did it but I know I came out of it with only a sliver of health and no health foods.
And I still haven't beaten Simon because I have a thoroughly average working memory (the range is 7 plus or minus two, but I think I sit firmly at 7 because I always make it to the 8th note and then fail).

Offline Alec

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Re: Extremely frustrated!
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2009, 02:56:51 am »
I hear you can beat Simon if you don't see people as numbers!  ::)

yeah, its an in-joke...

Offline silverflagon

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Re: Extremely frustrated!
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2009, 08:32:32 pm »
I hear you can beat Simon if you don't see people as numbers!  ::)

yeah, its an in-joke...
Good because that doesn't work here at all Alec  :P ::) I see people as shape and form  :P lol

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Re: Extremely frustrated!
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2009, 09:01:08 pm »
I hear you can beat Simon if you don't see people as numbers!  ::)

Well dang! Might as well give up and go back to making graphs of all the people I know.

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Re: Extremely frustrated!
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2009, 07:51:59 pm »
There is an eighth form, and I found it fairly useful for beating the King Jelly.

Don't give up on this boss fight, the item you get for finishing it is very useful, especially for the final boss. The Simon Says one you can skip unless you're a completest. I never used the item you get there before finishing the game.

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Re: Extremely frustrated!
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2009, 08:39:27 pm »
I had it long before beating the game and found it very very useful. I'd recommend it to anyone. It's hard at first to defeat the simon boss, but after some tries, you'll eventually get it. I don't have a problem with the memory part of it.. it's the time length it gives you for the 8th round. Just have to get use to the speed and accuracy. I'm sure that's what got you most of the times Silverflagon when you didn't beat it.

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Re: Extremely frustrated!
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2009, 09:51:56 pm »
I had it long before beating the game and found it very very useful. I'd recommend it to anyone. It's hard at first to defeat the simon boss, but after some tries, you'll eventually get it. I don't have a problem with the memory part of it.. it's the time length it gives you for the 8th round. Just have to get use to the speed and accuracy. I'm sure that's what got you most of the times Silverflagon when you didn't beat it.
It's my accuracy that does it DM, it's just not very good when I have to work fast :(

But back to Jelly Prime, yes leave him if you really are finding him impossible, but try watching this and see if it gives you any tips on the battle. Just one thing  SERIOUS SPOILER ALERT: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=wM5lGmSGiqU

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Offline Align

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Re: Extremely frustrated!
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2009, 11:00:26 pm »
Wrong boss... Unless you meant it to just give a hint in some way?
someone else's solution to Jelly boss

Offline silverflagon

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Re: Extremely frustrated!
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2009, 11:54:15 pm »
Drat I could of sworn that I posted a link to Jelly Prime :o And who ever that is fighting Jelly they play it the hard way without the shortcuts?

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Re: Extremely frustrated!
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2009, 08:02:07 pm »
one of my jelly techniques:

Quote from: inkblob
when I remember, try to use spiderweb on the various bosses. it's worked great there, with ghost form priests, nature form centipedes, sun worm, and interesting with jelly prime. in that instance it caught up all the little red spawn into one area and switching to beast form was a quick finish in one spot. how you spin your web will have different effects too of course, if you bundle it up like a barrier between you and the boss or if you do a loop around them to fence them in

beat the jelly boss early on in the game as possible, it should be very high priority  ;)

Quote from: inkblob
I just beat the Simon boss again and not sure if this helps with your set up but map a key to have the song wheel on ( by default it's right control here ) and then move the cursor around the wheel to match, then there is no clicking.  I've mentioned this a few times in previous Simon threads, but the method that works like a charm for me is to create a counting/note mnemonic based on the sequence. so I count each note in my head at the tone it is, like a little number song. keep the note wheel directly adjacent to Simon, no overlap and try and herd Li well out of the way, ideally to the top right. like Glam said, barring any note combination setting you off into beast form or something, this should help speed up the process, I was able to curry his favour and he relinquished his empty platter of plenty in about 5 minutes. 

I use the Simon reward all the time, but also have a well stocked larder. prolly spend as much time fishing and cooking in this game as anything..  ::)

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